Request to Schedule Oral Defense
From: School or Department of: _________________________________________________________
Submitted by: _______________________________________________________ Date ___________
(Must be submitted by the Department Chair, Graduate Coordinator, or Committee Chair)
Signature of Submitter _______________________________________________ Date ___________
Permission is requested to hold the oral defense for:
____________________________________________________, myWSU ID ____________________
a candidate for the degree of ____________________________________________________________.
Exam Date: __________________________
Time: __________________________
Location: __________________________
Print Name of Committee Chair: _________________________________, Box _______
Print Name of Outside Member: _________________________________, Box _______
Print Names of Other Committee Members: _________________________________, Box _______
_________________________________, Box _______
_________________________________, Box _______
The Oral Defense Examination
• The defense examination is a public oral examination normally lasting about two hours, at which the candidate
presents and defends the dissertation or thesis.
• The defense examination is chaired by the student’s major adviser.
• The candidate provides a manuscript to the committee members at least tw o w eeks in advance of the oral
examination date.
• All members of the examining committee (or substitutes appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School) must be
present throughout the examination.
• One negative vote cast by a committee member (including substitutes) may occur and the candidate would still be
considered as having passed the oral examination. A negative vote cast by the committee chair w ould mean the
student failed the oral examination.
• A failed oral defense may be retaken based on departmental guidelines.
• The Graduate Dean’s representative on the committee (outside member) completes the attached oral exam
evaluation form after the exam has been held and returns it to the Graduate School.
Oral exam definition and process approved by Graduate Council, Spring, 2006.
For Graduate School Use Only:
Permission to schedule oral defense is ___________ Approved * _____________ Denied **
Reasons for Action:
Student is currently enrolled in research hours _____ Yes _____ No
Committee meets configuration requirements _____ Yes _____ No
Comments: __________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________Date _____________
Graduate Dean
* Copies mailed to committee members ** Request returned to chair