Graduate School
Dissertation Proposal/ Design Approval Form
Candidate's Name: Date:
Exam Location:
Candidate’s myWSU #
Title Proposed for Dissertation:
Dissertation Chair/Supervisor:
Do Not Approve
(Print Name)
Approve with Conditions
Noted on the Reserve Side
(Print Name)
(Print Name
The undersigned members of the Dissertation Examination Committee,
Signature, Dissertation Chair
Signature, Member
Signature, Member
Signature, Member
Signature, Member
certify that they have reviewed the proposal for the dissertation and have examined this student over his/her ability
to carry out the necessary research and writing. The signatures below indicate Committee approval, disapproval, or
conditions as noted relative to the research as proposed leading to an acceptable dissertation and the perceived
ability of the candidate to carry out this research. Signatures do not pertain to substantive changes in the research
design, which may arise in the course of the research, nor do they preempt the privilege of normal interrogation
during the candidate's oral final defense of the completed study.
Rev: 08/06
Reasons for Disapproval: