This letter is provided as a service to graduate students needing documentation that verifies completion
of degree requirements. This letter will be prepared ONLY AFTER ALL PLAN OF STUDY GRADES
HAVE BEEN POSTED, and all terminal activities have been completed.
Students should view their DEGREE EVALUATION on SELF-SERVICE (NOT Blackboard) before
placing a request, to be certain that all degree requirements have been met.
This letter will
not be provided to students who have a HOLD on their academic record. Degree Certification letters
are not provided after official Transcripts with awards posted are available from the Transcript office.
Request for DEGREE STATUS LETTER $2.00 FEE/2 copies
The preparation of Degree Status letters is a service provided to graduate students needing
documentation that describes
current Graduate status and standing prior to degree completion.
Requests for additional copies will be charged another $2.00 fee.
Expect TWO DAYS for processing
Print Name:
myWSU ID number _______________________ Phone: __________________________
DATE: ___________________
□ Call me when letter is ready for pick-up
□ MAIL LETTER (provide address)
□ FAX LETTER (provide number) *
□ E-mail a scanned copy (provide name & e-mail address) *
Rev. 12/12/11
Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas 67260-0004 Telephone (316) 978-3095 Fax: (316) 978-3253
*Fax and E-mail requests may also request a
mailed letter. Please indicate address.