Apex Institute of Education Pty Ltd T/A Apex Institute of Education
RTO No: 91606 CRICOS Provider No: 03156M
Sydney CBD Campus: Levels 2&3 22-26 Goulburn Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Parramatta Campus: 2 Sorrell Street, Parramatta NSW 2150 Australia
Phone: +61 2 8007 6261 (Sydney) +61 2 8007 6262 (Parramatta)
Email : enrolments@apexaustralia.edu.au; Web: www.apexaustralia.edu.au
Please complete all details on this enrolment form. This will be used to enrol you in the qualification you are seeking. Some of the information contained
herein will be keyed into a database and used for statistical and other reporting purposes. Please ask your agent for assistance; or contact Apex Institute of
Education Pty Ltd 02 8007 6262 for any help that you may require. PLEASE USE BLACK PEN AND WRITE IN BLOCK LETTERS
1. Student Personal Details
Family Name: ................................................
Date Of Birth: ___/_____/_____(DD/MM/YYYY)
Given Names: ....................................................
Male Female Unspecified
Country of Birth: ………………………………….
Passport Number: ………………………………..
Date Issued: ____/_____/_____(DD/MM/YYYY)
Copy of Passport to be provided with this application
2. Do you currently hold an Australian Visa? YES NO
If yes, Visa Type................................ Expiry Date:____/_____/_____(DD/MM/YYYY)
If no, which Australian Embassy/High Commission will you lodge your visa application?
City:……………………….. Country:………………………………………
Copy of Visa to be provided with this application
3. Your Overseas Address
Your Australian Address (if applicable)
4. Your Contact Details
5. Emergency Contact Details
Phone Number:…………………………………………
6. Are you using an Education Agent
Agency Name:…………………………………….
Contact Number:………………………………….
YES complete agent details below NO go to 7
Contact Person Name:………………………………...
I nominate this agent to be my Education Agent in further dealings with this college.
7. Course Enrolment Details
Please refer to our website at www.apexaustralia.com for course information and intake dates
Course Name:…………………………………..
Preferred Start Date:____/_____/_____
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8. Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
Do you need the college to arrange this for you? YES we will send details NO go to 9
9. Special needs
Do you have special needs the college should be aware YES indicate below NO go to 10
Allergies Medical condition Numeracy issues Language & Literacy difficulties
Disability or long term illness Other
If you ticked any of the above boxes, please provide details: ................................................................
10. Highest qualification you achieved: High School University
Qualification Name:……………………………………………………….. Year Awarded:………………
Institution Name: …………………………………………………. Country: ……………………………..
Supporting evidence to be provided with this application
11. English Proficiency
Completed English Test
Name of English Test:………………… Result:……….. Date Undertaken: ___/___/____
Completed English Course in Australia
Course Name: …………………… Institution:………………..…….. Date Completed: ___/___/____
English is my first language
Supporting evidence to be provided with this application
12. Current Australian Education Details
Are you currently studying in Australia YES provide details below NO go to 13
If yes Institution Name:……………………………....... Course Name:………………………………..
Expected Date of Completion / Date Completed: ___/___/____
13. Recognition of Prior Learning/Course Credit
Are you Applying for RPL or Course Credit? YES NO If yes, please attach relevant documentation.
14. Are you transferring from other provider (college or university) in Australia?
If yes, Have you completed 6 months of your principal course? YES NO
If No, you must submit supporting evidence such as release letter before we can issue offer letter
15. Additional Services OSHC Airport pickup Accommodation other……………..
16. Study Purpose : Select the category that best describes the MAIN reason you are undertaking
this course. (Tick one box only )
Develop existing skills For self development For better job or promotion
To start my own business For change of my career To get into another course
Other reasons : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
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17. Student Self - Assessment checklist
This self assessment checklist will help AIE to determine if the course you wish to enrol is the most suitable
for you based on the information provided on your educational history, existing skills, study purpose,
aspirations. This information will also provide AIE to identify any learning needs you have and provide any
support services to meet your individual needs.
Academic Suitability
All prospective students must meet AIE’s course entry requirement to establish their suitability into the
course. Tick the option that best applies to you. Attach evidences where needed.
I have successfully completed HSC (Australian Year 12) or its overseas equivalent qualification
I have successfully completed Certificate IV or higher level qualification (taught in English) in Australia
I have minimum IELTS score of 5.5 or equivalent
I have English proficiency of upper intermediate or above from an Australian Registered Provider
I will complete a Language Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) and any follow- up assessment required by AIE
Answer all the questions provided below :
1. Have you read the International Student Pre-Enrolment Guide?
2. Explain why you are interested in the course you have chosen to study at AIE:
3. Explain briefly how will this course help you in achieving your career goals:
4. Do you have any work experience related to the course that you have chosen to study at AIE
5. Do you have any previous qualification that will help you to complete this course?
6. Do you have any special learning needs? YES NO
If yes, please provide details to help us provide you with the relevant support to enable you to complete your
course of study.
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Student Declaration
I declare that the information I have provided on this form is true and correct.
I agree that if I provide false, misleading or inaccurate information, AIE reserves the right to cancel my
I am a Genuine Temporary Entrant and genuine student for the purposes of study in Australia.
I have read the International Student Pre-Enrolment Guide, and all related information in the Student
Handbook and on the AIE website, and fully understand the course structure, content and modes of
study of the course I am applying for in this application.
I further acknowledge that I have the financial capacity to pay my college fees and living expenses as
and when they become due.
I also understand and agree and consent that my personal information may be made available to
Commonwealth and State agencies for compliance purposes and to other law enforcement agencies as
required by the law.
AIE will not provide or disclose your personal information to outside parties without your consent.
I understand that my photograph may be used in AIE’s promotional material and give consent for this to
occur. I will notify AIE via email if wish to change my mind.
I give permission to AIE to apply for my Unique Student Identifier (USI) number if I do not have one.
I am fully aware that I must inform the college when my personal or contact details change.
If I am a student on student visa, I am responsible to comply with my student visa conditions and I must
contact the Immigration department (DHA) for enquires relating to my student visa issues.
Student Name: ______________________
Signature: ____________________ Date: ____/____/________
click to sign
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