45 Knollwood Rd. • Elmsford NY • 10523
Employee Paid and Unpaid Time Off Request Form
Instructions: Fill out “Employee Section” in its entirety, sign and date, then print or save the form and
email to your Site Supervisor to complete the “Client Section”. When your Site Supervisor completes the
form, it then needs to be sent to our Payroll Administrator at accounting@madisonapproach.com
faxed to 914-428-5063.
Employee Section
First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Date(s) Requested Off:
Date to Return to Work:
Reason for Time Off: (select one)
PTOVacation (Must provide request 4 weeks in advance)
PTO Planned Sick/Personal (Must provide request 4 weeks in advance, or as soon as practicable)
FMLA Qualified Event
Documentation attached
Will be sent separately
PFL Qualified Event
Documentation attached
Will be sent separately
Employee Signature ____________________________ Date ___________
Client Section
Company Name:
Supervisor Name:
Are the above dates approved? Yes No
Do you require us to find you coverage for the absence? Yes No
Are you otherwise satisfied with the work performance of this employee? Yes No
Supervisor Signature ________________ Date_____________
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit