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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Schedule: 5–days/week for 36 weeks
Instructions: This curriculum guide provides a full year of instruction using the materials on If you choose to use this method, you do not need to use the lesson plans that are
included with each separate course. This guide incorporates all the content and assignments needed to meet all
the objectives on the Scope and Sequence. As you will see, it incorporates material from multiple courses and
resources and is hyperlinked to each one so that you can find them easily. Lists of additional materials and
resources are also provided. Please note that this is only one way to address the objectives for the year. We
encourage you to find a combination of materials, both on and off of our site, that best fits your family.
Resources needed:
For all weeks:
Corresponding lessons on
Journal for note taking and research
Colored pencils
Index cards for vocabulary (optional)
Weeks 1–4: World atlas and/or globe
For Weeks 6–17: Optional books; Download Books to Begin With file of the Foods and Food Production
for the list.
For Weeks 1822: 8 ½” x 11” drawing paper; poster board (optional); colored pencils, crayons, or markers; bag
of gummy bears; paper plate
For Week 18: gummy bears and a paper plate
For Weeks 2332: Index cards for vocabulary; Books from the library for weeks 23, 28, 29, 30, 32These are
listed in the Notes section of each week on this lesson plan.
For Weeks 2325: Additional items as listed on page 3 of Elementary Economics for Third Grade
For Weeks 2627: Additional items as listed on page 10 of Elementary Economics for Third Grade
For Weeks 2829: Additional items as listed on page 16 of Elementary Economics for Third Grade
For Week 30: Additional items as listed on page 22 of Elementary Economics for Third Grade
For Weeks 3132: Additional items as listed on page 27 of Elementary Economics for Third Grade
In a
ddition, we have other resources that can be used as supplemental material from our site.
World Book Kids library includes mapping activities, interactive maps, and articles about places
Several of our World Book libraries include a feature called Compare Places which allows students to
compare and contrast various states, provinces, dependencies, countries, and continents.
Everyday Explorers: Australia/New Zealand: 7 monthly units for K–twelfth grade
Everyday Explorers: Canada: 11 monthly units for K–twelfth grade
Everyday Explorers: USA: 17 monthly units for K–twelfth grade
Exploring Elementary World Geography: 7 units for firstfourth grade (included in second grade
curriculum guide)
A Splash of Geography: 12 monthly units for firsttwelfth grade
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Ayo’s Awesome Adventures Around the World for Kids: 10 eBooks for secondfourth grade
Asia: Trade Route Safari: 38 weeks for secondfifth grade
Wonders of the World: 5 weeks for thirdfifth grade (included in fifth grade curriculum guide)
Let’s Visit Denmark: 9–week study for third–sixth grade
Lapbooking: 4–week unit on London and Buckingham Palace for thirdseventh grade
Growing Up Dutch and Renaissance Festival units in Ditch the Desk (preK–sixth grade)
All About Inventions: Unit study for secondfifth grade
Cruisin’ the Country, Physical Geography of Africa, and Travel the World are available in the More
Kinetic Connections offers tips to help parents teach geography to handson learners
Michelle Miller’s Monthly Book Lists for Families include selections for Authors, Art, Patriotism, Courage,
and Civics
Famous artists, authors, musicians, and others in the arts and culture are woven throughout the history,
art, and music lessons found on the site
This is also a perfect time to incorporate field trips so students can see firsthand how their community
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 1: GeographyGrid Maps/Latitude and
Longitude/Climate Regions/Biomes
Week 2: GeographyRivers of the World
Week 3: GeographyLandforms
Week 4: GeographyBiomes
Week 5: Geography Review of Continents and
Week 6: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Almonds
Week 7: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Apples
Week 8: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Blueberries
Week 9: Social Studies Foods and Food
Production: Brussels Sprouts
Week 10: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Carrots
Week 11: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Cherries
Week 12: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Coconut
Week 13: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Cranberries
Week 14: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Cucumbers
Week 15: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Lemons
Week 16: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Oranges
Week 17: Social StudiesFoods and Food
Production: Peanuts
Week 18: Citizenship – Democracy/GodGiven vs.
GovernmentRecognized Rights
Week 19: Citizenship – Formation of US
Week 20: Citizenship – US Constitution
Week 21: Citizenship – US Constitution/Bill of
Week 22: Citizenship – Constitutional
Week 23: Economics International Trade,
Part 1
Week 24: Economics International Trade,
Part 2
Week 25: Economics International Trade,
Part 3
Week 26: Economics Supply and Demand,
Part 1
Week 27: Economics Supply and Demand,
Part 2
Week 28: Economics Earning Money, Part 1
Week 29: Economics Earning Money, Part 2
Week 30: Economics Producers and
Week 31: Economics Goods and Services,
part 1
Week 32: Economics Goods and Services,
part 2
Week 33: Social StudiesChanges in
Transportation, Communication, and
Week 34: Social StudiesChanges in
Transportation, Communication, and
Week 35: Social StudiesChanges in
Transportation, Communication, and
Week 36: Social StudiesFlag Etiquette note
: Parents should closely monitor children’s use of YouTube if you navigate away
from the videos cited in these lessons. Preview videos for offensive ads at the beginning of the videos before your
children watch them. We also recommend viewing the videos on a full-screen setting in order to minimize your
students’ exposure to potentially offensive ads and inappropriate comments beside or beneath the video.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 1: GeographyGrid Maps/Latitude and Longitude/Climate Regions/Biomes
Material for Week 1 is in the All About Maps course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download the All About Maps Third–Fifth Grade Units.
Read about street maps and grid networks on pp. 1–5.
Complete the activities on pp. 1–3.
File your completed work in your notebook.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Read about latitude and longitude on pp. 6–8.
Answers the questions at the bottom of page 6 in your notebook and complete
the activities on page 8.
In your notebook, write down the significance of the Tropic of Cancer—it is
significant because it is the most northerly circle of latitude on Earth at which the
sun can be directly overhead. You may research this more with a parent’s help.
In your notebook, write down the significance of the Tropic of Capricorn—it is
significant because it is the most southerly circle of latitude on Earth at which the
sun can be directly overhead. You may research this more with a parent’s help.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read about climate and vegetation regions of the world on pp. 9–11.
Complete the first activity on page 10 using your atlas.
Complete the second activity on page 10 and answer the questions on page 11.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Read about the major biomes on pp. 1214. Stop at Desert Biome.
On page 13, complete the collage activity suggested and present it to someone.
Complete the diorama activity on page 14.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Continue reading about the major biomes on pp. 1415, starting at Desert Biome.
On page 14, complete the poster activity suggested under Desert Biome.
Complete the Eskimos of Greenland activity on page 15.
File all your work in your notebook.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 2: GeographyRivers of the World
Material for Week 2 is in the All About the World: Third Grade unit study.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Read Week 1: Rivers - Asia on pp. 23. Follow the links to learn more.
Complete map activity on page 3.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Read about the rivers in Africa on pp. 45.
Watch the video about the Congo River.
Follow the link to complete the river model activity on page 4.
Complete the map activity on page 5.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read about the rivers in North America and South America on pp. 68.
Trace the path of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and label the Gulf of Mexico
using the link on page 6.
See the path the Rio Grande takes using the first link on page 7.
Follow the link to complete the word search on page 7.
Follow the link to complete the worksheet on page 7.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Read about the rivers in Australia and Europe on pp. 9–10.
Follow the link to complete the activity on page 9.
Follow the link to complete the activity on page 10.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Go to the review on page 22 and complete Rivers Review.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 3: GeographyLandforms
Material for Week 3 is in the All About the World: Third Grade
unit study.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Read Week 2: Landforms, Day 1 on pp. 1112.
Complete the activity on page 11 to make flashcards.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Read Day 2 on pp. 1314.
Make flashcards for new vocabulary and add to the others.
Study the flashcards.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read Day 3 on pp. 1516.
Make flashcards for new vocabulary and add to others.
Study the flashcards.
Day 4| Date: ________________________________
Read Day 4 on pp. 1718.
Make flashcards for new vocabulary and add to others.
Study the flashcards.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Day 5 activity on page 19.
Go to review on page 22 and complete Landforms Review.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 4: GeographyBiomes
Material for Week 4 is in the All About the World: Third Grade unit study.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Read Week 3: Biomes, Day 1 on page 20.
Complete the flashcards for Day 1 on page 20.
Follow the links to watch the videos.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Read Day 2 on page 20.
Complete the flashcards for Day 2 on page 20.
Review the flashcards.
Follow the links to watch the videos.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read Day 3 on page 21.
Complete flashcards for Day 3 on page 21.
Review the flashcards.
Follow the links to watch the videos.
Day 4| Date: ________________________________
Read Day 4 on page 21.
Complete flashcards for Day 4 on page 21.
Review the flashcards.
Follow the link to watch the video.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the activity for Day 5 on page 21.
Go to the review on page 22 and complete Biomes Review.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 5: GeographyReview of Continents and Oceans
Material for Week 5 is in the All About the World: First Grade unit study.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activities 4 and 5 on page 3.
Read Week 2: Introduction to Oceans on page 4.
Follow the links to learn more.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the activities on page 5.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read Week 3: Maps and Map Keys on page 6.
Complete Activities 1 and 2 on page 6.
Day 4| Date: ________________________________
Complete activities 3 and 4 on pp. 67.
Go to the review on page 8 and complete Activity 1.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activities 2 and 3 on page 8.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 6: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Almonds
Material for Week 6 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Print the Books to Begin With file from the Lessons page and keep it in your
notebook as a reference.
Download and read the Introduction file from the Lessons page. Note: As part of
this third grade curriculum guide, your student will be studying twelve of the
foods listed. The second grade curriculum guide includes these additional units:
bananas, broccoli, corn, grapes, kiwi, and olives. Feel free to add any remaining
units as time and interest allow.
Download Almonds.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first two videos under Videos about Almonds on page 1.
Under the Reading about Almonds section on page 2, click on “An Almond Story.”
As each page in the booklet includes an activity page, consider printing it.
Complete pp. 16.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 7–12 in the “An Almond Story” activity book.
Watch the third video under Videos about Almonds on page 1.
Read the Bible verses listed under Reading about Almonds on page 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 1318 in the “An Almond Story” activity book.
Print the three maps (World Map, Eastern Hemisphere Map, and Western
Hemisphere Map) on the Lessons page to use through Week 17. Complete the
first and second activities under Geography of Almonds on page 2.
Print the Country Flag Match sheet on page 4 of the lesson and complete it. When
finished, check your answers using the key on page 5
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 1924 in the “An Almond Story” activity book.
Watch the fourth video under Videos about Almonds on page 1.
Complete the third and fourth activities under Geography of Almonds on page 2.
Complete the third activity under Reading about Almonds on page 2.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 6, continuation
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Follow the link under Products Made with Almonds on page 2.
Try making one of the recipes under Almond Recipes to Try on page 3.
Answer the Closing Questions on page 3 of this lesson.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 7: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Apples
Material for Week 7 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Apples.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first two videos under Videos about Apples on page 1.
In More Reading about Apples on page 5, click on The Apple Wise Guys coloring
book and print the activity book. Complete pp. 13.
Follow the second link under More Reading about Apples on page 5.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 4–6 in The Apple Wise Guys coloring book.
Watch the third and fourth videos under Videos about Apples on page 1.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Apples on page 6.
Follow the third link under More Reading about Apples on page 5.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on pp. 2–5.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 7–9 in The Apple Wise Guys coloring book.
Watch Amazing Apple Picking Machineand Touring an Apple Packing Facility”
using the fifth and sixth links under Videos about Apples on page 1.
Complete the second activity under Geography of Apples on page 6.
Print Country Flag Match on page 8 and complete it. When finished, check your
answers using the key on page 9.
Follow the fourth link under More Reading
about Apples on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 1012 in The Apple Wise Guys coloring book.
Watch one of the videos under Products Made with Apples on pp. 67.
Complete the third activity under Geography of Apples on page 6.
Follow the fifth link under More Reading about Apples on page 6.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on pp. 2–5.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 7, continuation
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Apple Recipes to Try on page 7.
Follow the sixth link under More Reading about Apples on page 6.
Answer the Closing Questions on page 7.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 8: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Blueberries
Material for Week 8 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Blueberries.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first two videos under Videos about Blueberries on page 1.
Print the Blueberry Activity Book link found under More Reading about
Blueberries on page 2. Complete pp. 1–3.
Follow the first link under More Reading about Blueberries on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 4–6 in the Blueberries Activity Book.
Watch the third and fourth videos under Videos about Blueberries on page 1.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Blueberries on page 2.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on page 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 7–9 in the Blueberries Activity Book.
Watch the final video under Videos about Blueberries on page 1.
Complete the second activity under Geography of Blueberries on page 3.
Print the State Flag Match on page 5. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete pp. 1012 in the Blueberries Activity Book.
Watch the Maine Company . . .video found under Products Made with
Blueberries on page 3.
Follow the second link under More Reading about Blueberries on page 2.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on page 2.
Date 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Blueberry Recipes to Try on page 3.
Follow the first link found under Products Made with Blueberries on page 3.
Answer the Closing Questions on pp. 3–4.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 9: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Brussels Sprouts
Material for Week 9 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Brussels Sprouts.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first two videos under Videos about Brussels Sprouts on page 1.
Follow the first link under Reading about Brussels Sprouts on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the third and fourth videos under Videos about Brussels Sprouts on page 1.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Brussels Sprouts on page 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the Brussel Sprouts ProcessingandBrussels Sprout Grading, Weighing . . .
videos under Videos about Brussels Sprouts on page 1.
Print the Country Flag Match on page 4. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 5.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the last video under Videos about Brussels Sprouts on page 2.
Follow the second link under Reading about Brussels Sprouts on page 2.
Date 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Brussels Sprouts Recipes to Try on page 2.
Answer the Closing Questions on pp. 2–3.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 10: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Carrots
Material for Week 10 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Carrots.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first two videos under Videos about Carrots on page 1.
Follow the first link under More Reading about Carrots on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the third and fourth videos under Videos about Carrots on page 1.
Complete the second activity under Geography of Carrots on page 2.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on page 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the Western Australia . . .and “Carrots Packaging Linevideos under
Videos about Carrots on page 1.
Follow the second link under More Reading about Carrots on page 2.
Print the State Flag Match on page 5. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the four videos under Products Made with Carrots on page 3.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Carrots on page 2.
Follow the third link under More Reading about Carrots on page 2.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on page 2.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Carrot Recipes to Try on page 3.
Answer the Closing Questions on pp. 3–4.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 11: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Cherries
Material for Week 11 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Cherries.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first three videos under Videos about Cherries on page 1.
Follow the first two links under More Reading about Cherries on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the fourth, fifth, and sixth videos under Videos about Cherries on pp. 1–2.
Complete the second and third activities under Geography of Cherries on page 3.
Follow the third and fourth links under More Reading about Cherries on pp. 2–3.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on page 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the last three videos under Videos about Cherries on page 2.
Follow the last two links under More Reading about Cherries on page 3.
Print the Country Flag Match on page 5. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the three videos under Products Made with Cherries on page 3.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Cherries on page 3.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on page 2.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Cherry Recipes to Try on page 4.
Answer the Closing Questions on page 4.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 12: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Coconut
Material for Week 12 is in the Foods and Food Production
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Coconut.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first three videos under Videos about Coconuts on page 1.
Follow the first link under More Reading about Coconuts on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the last three videos under Videos about Coconuts on page 1.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Coconuts on page 2.
Follow the second link under More Reading about Coconuts on page 2.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on page 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Follow the third link under More Reading about Coconuts on page 2.
Follow the first link under Products Made with Coconuts on page 3.
Print the Country Flag Match on page 5. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the five videos under Products Made with Coconuts on page 3.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on page 2.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Coconut Recipes to Try on page 3.
Answer the Closing Questions on pp. 3–4.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 13: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Cranberries
Material for Week 13 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Cranberries.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first three videos under Videos about Cranberries on page 1.
Follow the first link under More Reading about Cranberries on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the last two videos under Videos about Cranberries on page 1.
Complete the second activity under Geography of Cranberries on page 2.
Follow the second link under More Reading about Cranberries on page 2.
Optional: Choose the suggested book to read on page 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Follow the third link under More Reading about Cranberries on page 2.
Watch first video under Products Made with Cranberries on page 2.
Print the Country Flag Match on page 4. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 5.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch second video under Products Made with Cranberries on page 3.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Cranberries on page 2.
Follow the fourth link under More Reading about Cranberries on page 2.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Cranberry Recipes to Try on page 3.
Answer the Closing Questions on page 3.
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Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 14: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Cucumbers
Material for Week 14 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Cucumbers.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first video under Videos about Cucumbers on page 1.
Follow the first link under More Reading about Cucumbers on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the last two videos under Videos about Cucumbers on page 1.
Follow the second link under More Reading about Cucumbers on page 2.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on pp. 1–2 and do an
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Follow the third link under More Reading about Cucumbers on page 2.
Print the Country Flag Match on page 4. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 5.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the two videos under Products Made with Cucumbers on page 2.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Cucumbers on page 2
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on pp. 1–2 and do an
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Cucumber Recipes to Try on page 3.
Answer the Closing Questions on page 3.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 15: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Lemons
Material for Week 15 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Lemons.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first video under Videos about Lemons on page 1.
Follow the first link under Reading about Lemons on page 1.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the last two videos under Videos about Lemons on page 1.
Follow the second link under Reading about Lemons on page 1.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Follow the third link under Reading about Lemons on page 1.
Print the Country Flag Match on page 4. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 5.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the videos under Products Made with Lemons on page 2.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Lemons on page 2.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Lemon Recipes to Try on page 2.
Answer the Closing Questions on page 3.
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Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 16: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Oranges
Material for Week 16 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Oranges.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first two videos under Videos about Oranges on page 1.
Follow the first link under Reading about Oranges on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the last two videos under Videos about Oranges on page 1.
Complete the second activity under Geography of Oranges on page 2.
Follow the second link under Reading about Oranges on page 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Follow the third link under Reading about Oranges on page 2.
Print the Country Flag Match on page 4. When finished, check your answers using
the key on page 5.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the three videos under Products Made with Oranges on pp. 2–3.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Oranges on page 2.
Optional: Choose the suggested book to read on page 2.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Orange Recipes to Try on page 3.
Answer the Closing Questions on page 3.
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Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/Economics Curriculum Guide
Copyright 2021, a division of The Old Schoolhouse
Third Grade Social Studies/Geography/
Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 17: Social StudiesFoods and Food Production: Peanuts
Material for Week 17 is in the Foods and Food Production course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Peanuts.
Read and answer the Introduction Questions on page 1.
Watch the first video under Videos about Peanuts on page 1.
Follow the first link under More Reading about Peanuts on page 2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the second video under Videos about Peanuts on page 1.
Complete the first activity under Geography of Peanuts on page 2.
Follow the second link under More Reading about Peanuts on page 2.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on pp. 1–3.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Follow the third link under More Reading about Peanuts on page 2.
Complete the second activity under Geography of Peanuts on page 2.
Print the State Flag Match on page 4. When finished, check your answers
using the
key on page 5.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the two videos under Products Made with Peanuts on page 3.
Follow the last two links under More Reading about Peanuts on page 2.
Complete the third and fifth activities under Geography of Peanuts on page 2.
Optional: Choose some of the suggested books to read on pp. 1–3.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Try making one of the recipes under Peanut Recipes to Try on page 3.
Answer the Closing Questions on page 3.
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Week 18: CitizenshipDemocracy/GodGiven vs. GovernmentRecognized Rights
Material for Week 18 is in the Rights of Citizens for Third Graders course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Read the first paragraph on page 1.
Read the article on government, as well as the articles on the five types of
Read the assigned reading and answer the questions for Congress for Kids.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Look up the different flag designs on the United States over the years.
Complete the Activity Design a Flag on page 1.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Illustrate three different types of government with gummy bears as explained on
page 2.
Design a voting button or poster as explained on 2.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the assigned reading on page 3.
Hold your own Tea Party and read a book about the Boston Tea Party.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Work on memorizing the famous phrase from the Declaration of Independence.
create a picture or poster to reinforce memorization of the phrase.
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Week 19: CitizenshipFormation of US Government
Material for Week 19 is in the Rights of Citizens for Third Graders course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Read the assigned reading on page 3.
Complete one of the activities below the article.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the assigned reading on page 4.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the design your own coins activity. Create up to three designs.
Address an envelope.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the assigned reading on page 5.
With your teacher’s help and permission, do an Internet search on Benjamin
Franklin and record three fun facts.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the video on the three branches of government.
Create a government tree as explained on page 5.
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Week 20: Citizenship – US Constitution
Material for Week 20 is in the Rights of Citizens for Third Graders course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Follow the link toUS Constitution Simplifiedon page 6 and read the information.
Write in your journal a simple definition and define the parts of the Constitution.
Read about the Constitution on Ben’s Guide on page 6.
Write in your journal when and how the Constitution came about.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activities 1 and 2 on page 6.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the Liberty Kids video on the Constitution using the link on page 6.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Read about the history and purpose of the Preamble on page 7.
Memorize the Preamble. You may listen to a song by Schoolhouse Rock to help you
learn it on page 7.
Complete the Activity 1 index cards throughout the week.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activity 2 on page 7.
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Week 21: Citizenship – US Constitution/Bill of Rights
Material for Week 21 is in the Rights of Citizens for Third Graders course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activity 3 on page 7.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the assigned reading on page 8, including the links.
Complete Activity 1 on page 8.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activity 2 and 3 on page 8.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activity 4 on page 8.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the assigned reading on page 9.
Download and play Amendment Cootie Catcher on page 9.
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Week 22: CitizenshipConstitutional Amendments
Material for Week 22 is in the Rights of Citizens for Third Graders course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activity 1 and 2 on page 9.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activity 3 and 4 on page 9.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read the assigned reading on page 10.
Play the game about the Constitution on page 10.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activity 1 and 2 on page 10.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete Activity 3 and 4 on page 10.
Explore the Constitution Links on page 11.
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Week 23: EconomicsInternational Trade, Part 1
Books for Week 23:
Passport to the
World: Your A to Z
Guided Language
Tour by Craig
What Is Trade?
by Carolyn
Material for Week 23 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Prepare for Week 1 on pp. 1–4.
Prepare in advance for The Trading Game on pp. 45, Days 34.
Read Passport to the World: Your A to Z Guided Language Tour by Craig Froman.
Answer questions 2–6 listed on page 4, Day 1.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Read Weeks 1–3: International Trade on pp. 7–9.
As you come to a word in bold print, create a vocabulary card for it. Write the
vocabulary word on the front and the definition on the back.
Read What Is Trade? by Carolyn Andrews.
Answer questions 3–4 listed on page 4, Day 2.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the assignment given in questions 5–7 on page 4, Day 2.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 1–3: International Trade on pp. 7–9.
Play The Trading Game, linked on page 4, Days 3–4.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Download a web map from the link on page 4, Days 3–4, and complete the
international trade map assignment.
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Week 24: EconomicsInternational Trade, Part 2
Material for Week 24 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 1–3: International Trade on pp. 7–9.
Watch the video on international trade: Why Do Countries Trade? on page 5, Days
Discuss the video with your student.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete research project steps 4–5 on page 5, Days 5–6.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Create a collage of goods and/or services with the results of the research
completed. Follow steps 68 on page 5, Days 56.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 1–3: International Trade on pp. 7–9.
Watch the video on imports and exports: ImportExport Definition for Kids using
the link on page 5, Days 7–8.
Discuss the video with your student.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Write a paragraph in your journal about what you learned this week.
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Week 25: EconomicsInternational Trade, Part 3
Material for Week 25 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Prepare in advance the materials needed to complete the lesson on imports and
exports on page 5, Days 7–8.
Prepare in advance the materials needed to complete the Import/Export Activity
for Day 5 on page 6, Day 9.
Complete the activity Coming and Going: Imports and Exports Throughout the
World on page 5, Days 7–8.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete research project steps 6–7 on page 5, Days 7–8.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Create a collage of goods and/or services with the results of the research
completed. Follow steps 8–10 on page 5, Days 78.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 1–3: International Trade on pp. 7–9.
Complete steps 2–3 on page 6, Day 9.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete the Import/Export Activity, following the link on page 6, Day 9.
Optional: Complete the Extension Activity on page 6.
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Week 26: EconomicsSupply and Demand, Part 1
Material for Week 26 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Prepare for Week 4 on pp. 1011.
Prepare in advance cards for the supply and demand scenarios activity on Day 3,
as explained on page 11, Days 1– 2.
Read Weeks 4–5: Supply and Demand (Surplus and Shortage) on pp. 1315.
As you come to a word in bold print, create a vocabulary card for it. Write the
vocabulary word on the front and the definition on the back.
Watch the video Demand and SupplyEconMovies #4: Indiana Jones. Follow the
link on page 10, Days 1–2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Discuss each of the key terms associated with the reading: supply, demand,
surplus, shortage, equilibrium.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 4–8 on page 11, Days 1–2.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 4–5: Supply and Demand (Surplus and Shortage) on pp. 1315.
Watch the video: Supply and Demand Explained in One Minute. Follow the link on
page 11, Days 3–4.
Day 5 | D
ate: ________________________________
Complete steps 3–4 on page 11, Days 3–4.
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Week 27: Supply and Demand, Part 2
Material for Week 27 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 5–7 on page 11, Days 3–4.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 4–5: Supply and Demand (Surplus and Shortage) in pp. 1315.
Watch the video: Supply and Demand, following the link on page 11, Days 5–6.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 3–4 on page 11, Days 5–6.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 5–7 on page 12, Days 5–6.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Share your story with your teacher.
Review information from the lessons by discussing the questions listed on page 12.
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Week 28: EconomicsEarning Money, Part 1
Book for Week
Career Day by
Anne Rockwell
Material for Week 28 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Prepare for Week 6 on pp. 1617.
Prepare a New Wonder Wall. Follow the link on page 17, Day 1, for more
Complete steps 2–3 on page 17, Day 1.
Read Career Day by Anne Rockwell.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 5–7 on page 17, Day 1.
Complete steps 8–10 on page 17, Day 1.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read Week 6: Earning Money/Why People Work and The Value of Work on pp. 20
As you come to a word in bold print, create a vocabulary card for it. Write the
vocabulary word on the front and the definition on the back.
Discuss the importance of jobs.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 3–4 on page 17, Day 2.
Reread Week 6: Earning Money/Why People Work and The Value of Work on pp.
Watch the video: Learning About Jobs and Professions for Children. Follow the link
on page 17, Days 3–4.
Research career possibilities.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 4–5 on page 18, Days 3–4.
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Week 29: EconomicsEarning Money, Part 2
Books for Week 29:
The Most Magnificent
Thing by Ashley Spires
Flight School by Lita
Can We Help? Kids
Volunteering to Help
Their Communities by
George Ancona
Material for Week 29 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Write a narrative in your journal on how you will accomplish your career goal.
Perform a Strategic Writing Conference with your student. Follow step 7 on page
Reread Week 6: Earning Money/Why People Work and The Value of Work on pp.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the video: The Grasshopper and the AntShort Stories for Children. Follow
the link on page 18, Day 5.
Read The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires.
Complete steps 4–10 on page 18, Day 5.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Week 6: Earning Money/Why People Work and The Value of Work on pp.
Watch the video: Moral stories teaching about the importance of work
The story of
seeds. Follow the link on page 18, Days 6–7.
Read Flight School by Lita Judge.
Complete steps 4–10 on page 18, Days 6–7.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Week 6: Earning Money/Why People Work and The Value of Work on pp.
Watch the video: Kids Volunteering. Follow the link on page 19, Days 8–9.
Read Can We Help? Kids Volunteering to Help Their Communities by George Ancona.
Complete steps 4–5 on page 19, Days 89.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 6–9 on page 19, Days 8–9.
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Week 30: EconomicsProducers and Consumers
Books for Week 30:
From Cotton to Tshirt
by Robin Nelson
Producers and
Consumers by Ellen
From Wax to Crayon
by Robin Nelson
From Tree to Paper
by Pam Marshall
Material for Week 30 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Prepare for Week 7 on pp. 2224.
Optional: Plan a field trip to a company.
Prepare for the activity for Day 2. Create flashcards using the directions on step 3
on page 23, Day 2.
Read Week 7: What Does It Mean to Produce and Consume? on pp. 2526.
As you come to a word in bold print, create a vocabulary card for it. Write the
vocabulary word on the front and the definition on the back.
Read From Cotton to T–shirt by Robin Nelson.
Watch the Producers and Consumers video and let students interact with it. Follow
the link on page 23, Day 1.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 4–10 on page 23, Day 1.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Week 7: What Does It Mean to Produce and Consume? on pp. 2526.
Read Producers and Consumers by Ellen Mitten.
Complete steps 3–8 on page 23, Day 2.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Week 7: What Does It Mean to Produce and Consume? on pp. 2526.
Watch the video Capital Resources. Follow the link on page 23, Days 3–4.
Read From Wax to Crayon by Robin Nelson.
Complete steps 5–10 on pp. 2324, Days 3–4.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Week 7: What Does It Mean to Produce and Consume? on pp. 2526.
Read From Tree to Paper by Pam Marshall.
Discuss the main idea of the book and how trees are used as a natural resource.
Watch the videoMade in America.Follow the link on page 24, Days 5–6
Complete steps 5–12 on page 24, Days 5–6.
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Economics Curriculum Guide
Week 31: EconomicsGoods and Services, Part 1
Material for Week 31 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Prepare for Week 8 on pp. 2728.
Prepare a new Wonder Wall. Follow the link on page 27, Day 1.
Complete steps 2–4 on page 28, Day 1.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the Goods and Services Movie. Follow the link on page 28, Day 1.
Complete steps 6–9 on page 28, Day 1.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read Weeks 8–9: Goods and Services on pp. 3031.
As you come to a word in bold print, create a vocabulary card for it. Write the
vocabulary word on the front and the definition on the back.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 2–7 on page 28, Day 2.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 8–9: Goods and Services on pp. 3031.
Complete steps 2–4 on pp. 2829, Days 3–4.
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Week 32: EconomicsGoods and Services, Part 2
Books for Week
Look Where We Live!:
A First Book of
Community Building
By Scot Ritchie
Goods and
Around Town
by Heather
Material for Week 32 is in the Elementary Economics for Third Grade course.
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 5–10 on page 29, Days 3–4.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 8–9: Goods and Services on pp. 3031.
Read Look Where We Live! A First Book of Community Building by Scot Ritchie.
Ask comprehension questions about the book. Use Bloom’s taxonomy to help you
formulate questions. Follow the link on page 29, Day 5.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Complete steps 4–6 on page 29, Day 5.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Reread Weeks 8–9: Goods and Services on pp. 3031.
Read Goods and Services Around Town by Heather Schwartz.
Complete steps 3–6 on page 29, Day 6.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Write a paragraph in your journal on what you have learned.
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Week 33: Social StudiesChanges in Transportation, Communication, and Technology
Material for Week 33 is in the Unit Studies and More section of
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Download Changes in Transportation, Communication, and Technology.
Read pp. 1–2 of the unit.
Make flashcards using each of the vocabulary words found on pp. 1–2.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Read History of Transportation on pp. 2–3.
Study your vocabulary flashcards.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Read History of Communication on page 4.
Study your flashcards.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Read History of Technology on page 5.
Study your flashcards.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the video about changes in transportation using the link on page 5.
Write three interesting things you learned in your journal.
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Week 34: Social StudiesChanges in Transportation, Communication, and Technology
Material for Week 34 is in the Unit Studies and More section of
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Watch the video about changes in communication using the link on page 5.
Write three interesting things you learned in your journal.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Explore the interactive webpage about changes in technology using the link on
page 5.
Write three interesting things that you learned in your journal.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Review the unit.
Study your flashcards.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Answer the questions on page 6 in your journal.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Review any questions you did not understand.
Study your flashcards.
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Week 35: Social StudiesChanges in Transportation, Communication, and Technology
Material for Week 35 is in the Unit Studies and More section of
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Begin the activity on page 6.
Make a list of the inventions that might transport you in every era of time
discussed in this lesson.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Continue the activity on page 6 by creating an outline for your essay.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Continue the activity on page 6 by writing the rough draft of your essay.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Finish the activity on page 6 by writing the final draft of your essay.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Download Flag Etiquette.
Read page 1.
Make flashcards using the vocabulary on page 1.
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Week 36: Social StudiesFlag Etiquette
Material for Week 36 is in the Unit Studies and More section of
Day 1 | Date: ________________________________
Read the History of the Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance on page 2 of Flag
Write an interesting fact you learned in your journal.
Day 2 | Date: ________________________________
Read How to Say the Pledge of Allegiance and Salute our Flag on pp. 2–3.
Day 3 | Date: ________________________________
Sing along to the Star Spangled Banner using the link and words on page 4.
Study your flashcards.
Day 4 | Date: ________________________________
Read Things We Should Not Be Doing to Our Flag on page 4.
Study your flashcards.
Day 5 | Date: ________________________________
Answer the questions on page 5 in your journal.
When finished, check your answers using the key on page 6.