7. What accommodation(s) are you requesting? Accommodation(s) must be appropriate to your disability. (Check all that
Certifying, Maintenance of Certification and Subspecialty In-Training Exams:
Assistance with marking answers
Extended testing time
Amount requested as supported by your documentation:_________________________
(i.e., additional 30 minutes per test session; time and one half, or double time)
Screen magnification
Zoom text
Individual testing room (for those whose disability necessitates separation from all other examinees)
Special physical accommodations at the site
(special lighting, chair, etc.) _____________________________________________
Extended Breaks (explain; please be specific)
Extended testing time
Amount requested as supported by your documentation:_________________________
(i.e., time and one half, or double time to read and answer each test item)
Note: Those who need enlarged font or text for MOCA-Peds may use features on the computer browser to
accomplish this; a request for this accommodation does not need to be submitted to the ABP.
8. Have you received classroom or test accommodation(s) in the past?: Yes No
If yes, please complete Sections A-C below.
A. Standardized Examinations (Check all that apply)
Attach documentation showing the accommodations granted when the examination was administered.
Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) Month/Year: _________________________
Accommodation(s) received: ______________________________________________
United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Month/Year: ____________________
Accommodation(s) received: ______________________________________________
Other: _______________________________________Month/Year: ___________________
Accommodation(s) received: ______________________________________________
B. Medical School/Residency Yes No
If yes, provide a statement from your medical school and/or residency training program explaining the type of
accommodations made and date approved.
C. College Yes No
If yes, accommodation(s) received: ______________________________________________