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for Major Research Paper/ Thesis/ Dissertation (traditional format)
Please ensure all following items are considered before submitting a copy of your paper to be format
checked by Graduate Studies.
REQUIRED CONTENT (check-off each item when completed):
: layout and wording exactly as in sample, with official department/program name listed, etc.
Counted as page one but no page number appears on it. (see Title page sample)
counted as page two but
appears on it. Names of committee
members are listed in the required format (e.g. without title “Dr.”, an initial for the first name – for
details see Approval page
*note that the signed approval page is required for final submission; the unsigned approval page must
be included in the online (PDF) thesis/dissertation copy.
either “
Author’s Declaration of Originality”
OR “
Declaration of Co-Authorship/ Previous
completed, appended and page numbered in Roman numerals (iii)
*If your thesis includes co-authored and/or previously published material ensure you have written
permission from all co-authors and publisher(s) before submitting. It is best to append these
permissions as an appendix to your thesis.
Abstract: Within the limit: up to 2 pages double-spaced PhD dissertation; up to 1 page double-spaced
Master’s Thesis/MRP
: All front matter is listed starting with Declaration, Abstract, etc., as well as all back
matter that follows the thesis body: Appendices, References, Vita Auctoris.
• Do NOT list the title page and the approval page within the Table of Contents;
Do NOT list the “Table of Contents” page within the Table of Contents itself.
Titles of Front matter pages: no particular format of titles is recommended, however,
font and style of each title within the front matter (e.g. “DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY”, “ABSTRACT”,
etc.) must be consistent, e.g. all titles in same font size, UPPERCASE, centered on the page, in bold text.
divided into chapters, pages numbered in Arabic numerals starting at one (1). Font and
style of chapter titles and sub-headings is consistent throughout all chapters.
Titles of Back matter pages: font and style of each title within the back matter (e.g. “REFERENCES”,
A AUCTORIS”) is consistent, e.g. all titles in UPPERCASE, centered on the page, in bold text.
References: no particular citation style is recommended or required but must be consistent.
Vita Auctoris: completed and attached. Containing no personal information, such as address, phone
number, full date of birth, etc. (the Vita Auctoris must be listed in the Table of Contents).
Font, typing, and line spacing: the same font type and style is consistent throughout. No particular style
is recommended for the titles, however, the font and style of each title within each of the three sections
(front matter, thesis body, and back matter) must be consistent.
All figures are clear and readable. Format of tables, figures, etc. and captions follows one style