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Wyoming Community Colleges
Application for Residency Reclassification
Student ID#: _____________ Name: _________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last
Street Address: ________________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________ Cell # Home # Student Email: ______________________________
Requirements for in-state residency for tuition determination for the Wyoming Community Colleges are established by
the Wyoming Community College Commission. Residence classification shall be initiated for each student at the time the
application for admission is accepted.
Students may appeal their classification as a resident or a non-resident through the following process:
A student assigned a non-resident classification may submit a request for reclassification to the Registrar or
designee. The student must submit the request and accompanying documentation on or before the first day of
classes. A decision will be rendered within 20 days of the first day of classes.
Individuals may be reclassified for the following term when facts indicate that a change in residency has occurred
since the time of original residence classification or upon student petition for reclassification.
Reclassification as an in-state student will not be applied retroactively to previous terms.
Individuals who qualify as Wyoming Residents shall pay the in-state tuition rate, as established by the Wyoming
Community College Commission. All other individuals shall pay the out-of-state or Western Undergraduate Exchange
(WUE) tuition rates, as established by the Wyoming Community College Commission. For the purposes of determining
whether a student qualifies for in-state or out of state tuition, the following guidelines apply.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the disclosure below is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,
true, correct and complete. I understand that any misrepresentations may result in revocation of residency for tuition
purposes at the Wyoming Community Colleges.
______________ _____________________________________________________ ______________________
Date Signature Requested Reclassification Semester