Rev 07/20
Student Support Services, a TRIO Program, is funded by the U.S. Department of Education.
1. ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED, including required signatures.
2. Submit a copy of all unofficial college transcripts, financial award letter, completed FAFSA or income tax return, and photocopy of
permanent resident card if applicable. If you have never attended college before, please submit a copy of your high school transcript.
3. Return to TRIO Student Support Services office (Wenatchee: Wells Hall 1074) or email to
4. TRIO SSS will contact student within 5-7 business days.
5. Eligible students will be invited for an intake interview/orientation (60 minute appointment).
_________________________________ _________________________________
SSN# SID# (WVC Student ID#)
Phone Texting ok? ___Yes ___No
Are you a U.S. citizen? ___Yes ___No
If no, are you a permanent resident? ___Yes ___No
Permanent Residents Only (USCIS#): ______________________________
Expiration Date: __________________________
Is English your first language? ___Yes ___No
Other languages you speak fluently? _____________________
Have you ever been in foster care or were a ward of the court?
Are you a U.S. Veteran (Have you served in the U.S. Military)?
Have you been involved with TRIO at any other institution?
Do you identify your race as: Native American/Alaskan Native ___Yes ___No
(Check all that apply if multiracial) Asian American ___Yes ___No
Black or African American ___Yes ___No
Caucasian or European American ___Yes ___No
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ___Yes ___No
Do you identify your ethnicity as: Hispanic or Latinx/a/o ___Yes ___No
Did either of your parents/guardians graduate from a 4-year college or university?
Do you have a documented disability?
If yes, have you documented it with the WVC Student Access Coordinator?
Are you currently receiving Financial Aid through WVC?
Did you or your family file a tax return for the previous calendar year?
Review chart for federal low-income guidelines. For families with more than eight
members, add $6,720 for each additional family member.
Number of people in your household, including yourself: ________
Your family’s taxable income for last year: ________
For income tax purposes, are you? ___Dependent ___Independent
What is your marital status? ___Single ___Married ___Other: _________________