T:\Forms\2021\Additional Expense Request for Students -2021.docx
If you incur expenses during the current school year that will exceed the standard budget used by our office, you may
complete and return the request form on the other side. Our office will review your request to determine whether we can
use the additional expenses and if any additional financial aid can be awarded. Please note that not all expenses are
allowable in determining your eligibility for aid, and that additional aid is usually in the form of student loans.
Be sure that the expense and the necessity for the expense are adequately documented. Please see guidelines below.
Provide an estimate of your childcare costs telling us when care is needed, the name of the childcare provider,
and the names and birth dates of your children. Attach a signed statement from your childcare provider
(childcare center) showing the name and age of the child and the fees charged each week or month. If you have
been awarded funding through another agency, report any subsidies that help defray the costs. Generally, only
licensed childcare provided by non-relatives up to the monthly maximums established by the Financial Aid
Office are considered. However if care is provided by a relative, indicate relationship, whether care is licensed,
and reason for selecting this provider. If you are requesting an exception, please provide a complete explanation.
Indicate or submit an itemized list with the dates and nature of expenses for yourself incurred and/or to be paid
by you during the current aid year. Submit photocopies of your medical bills, clearly indicating what portions
are covered by health insurance, the date the service was provided and what amounts are outstanding or will be
incurred during the period you are receiving aid. Document your monthly premium costs for health insurance.
Explain why you have incurred exceptional costs as part of your educational program. If these costs are
associated with maintaining a car, you must first establish why your car is necessary to your educational
program. Provide a reasonable estimate of your academic year transportation costs. Submit documentation of
car insurance, registration and repair expenses. List your daily/weekly mileage to and from school, work and
home. Federal law prohibits awarding federal student aid funds for car payments.
Only expenses that exceed the standard books and supplies allowance on the 2020-2021 Student Budgets can be
considered. Submit photocopies of receipts for books and supplies, purchased during the academic year. The
receipts must show the date of purchase. Also, you must attach a statement from your department or advisor
indicating that these books or supplies are required, or are extremely desirable, for your program of study.
If you have other expenses, please attach a separate letter of explanation and include documentation of the date
of the purchase, cost and educational necessity of the expenses.
If you have dependent children and your family’s non-financial aid resources are insufficient to provide for the
basic living costs for your family, you may submit a detailed monthly expense list. List all monthly expenses
incurred by your family (food, rent, utilities, medical cost, dental costs, clothing, entertainment, etc.) and any
resources that help pay these expenses. Include documentation and an explanation for any unusual costs
Return to:
Financial Aid Office
1300 Fifth St – Wenatchi Hall
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: 509-682-6810
Fax: 509-682-6811
E-Mail: financialaid@wvc.edu