Name: ___________________________Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 6
Chapter 6: Federal Republic of Germany (Bundersrepublik Deutschland)
Section 1: The Geography of Germany
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. _________________ is located in Western Europe, in the northern and central
2. Germany shares a _______________ with more countries than any other nation
in Europe.
3. Most of Germany has a _______________ climate. The waters of the
______________ ______________ moving from the Gulf of Mexico across the
Atlantic Ocean bring warmth and moisture to the region.
4. Germany is the most _________________ country in Europe at almost 81
million people.
5. About 75 percent of Germans live in _______________ areas, and this
percentage is increasing.
6. Natural ________________ have shaped the way Germany has developed. For
example. natural resources such as _______________ have helped to build
large cities in Germany.
7. _______________ and waterways are the lifeline of Europe.
8. Germany’s ________________ at the center of Europe makes it an important
crossroads for travel and _______________.
9. Countries from Eastern Europe and Western Europe transport ______________
to and across Germany. The relatively flat European Plain makes
_________________ easier in the northern part of country.
Name: ___________________________Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 6
Chapter 6: Federal Republic of Germany (Bundersrepublik Deutschland)
Section 1: The Geography of Germany
Guided Reading
10. Over the past few decades, _____________ _____________ (rain with
increased acidity caused by air pollutants) has taken its toll on these landmarks.
Acid rain has ruined nearly half of the ______________ _______________ in
southwestern Germany.
11. When it comes to the problem of _____________ _____________, Germany is
its own worst enemy. The main sources of acid rain are smoke from
______________ and _____________ plants.
12. In 2007, Germany, as a member of the _______________ Union, promised to
increase its use of ______________, renewable energy by 20 percent.
Name: ___________________________Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 6
Chapter 6: Federal Republic of Germany (Bundersrepublik Deutschland)
Section 2: A Brief History of Germany
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. Before 1871, the area known as Germany was not a united ______________. It
was, instead, made of many smaller German-speaking ________________ and
2. ________________ went to war in 1870 against Prussia’s King Wilhelm and
the German-speaking rulers who followed him. France _____________ the
conflict, and a result was the __________________ of Germany under Emperor
(Kaiser) Wilhelm I.
3. In June 1914, a group of _______________ assassinated Austria-Hungary’s
Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
4. ________________ supported Austria’s invasion of Serbia, which was a friend
of Russia. By August, Germany had declared war on _______________ and
5. Little by little, more countries entered the _____________, including the
United States in 1917. _______________ and the Central Powers surrendered
in 1918.
6. The 1919 peace ______________ (Treaty of Versailles) said Germany had to
pay ________________ to the Allies.
7. Germany was also forbidden to have a large _______________ or
______________, so many military people lost their jobs.
8. As things became worse, people blamed the _________________.
9. ________________ became the leader of Germany in 1933. He made sure laws
were quickly passed to give him more ________________.
Name: ___________________________Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 6
Chapter 6: Federal Republic of Germany (Bundersrepublik Deutschland)
Section 2: A Brief History of Germany
Guided Reading
10. Soon he had complete control of the ________________ and acquired the
powers of a _______________. He and the _______________ began working
to rebuild Germany’s military, making it stronger to defy the ______________.
11. The _______________ improved for a time, but people lost many of their
______________ rights.
12. In 1939, Germany invaded ______________. With that, _______________ and
Great Britain decided something had to be done. They declared war on
Germany, and ______________ ______________ ____ began.
13. World War II was the ________________ conflict in human history. It is
estimated that over ______ ________________ people lost their lives as a
result of the war.
14. The British, French, American, and Soviet allies _______________ Germany
and Berlin into four zones, each under the control of one ally. The goal was to
_______________ the country so it would not feel the need to attack its
neighbors again.
15. Beginning in 1945, the _______________ _______________ was a period of
distrust and misunderstanding between the Soviet Union and its former allies in
the West, particularly the United States.
16. In 1948, the Western Allies wanted to _______________ Germany, but Stalin
disagreed. He declared the Soviet section of the country ____________
Germany; the reunited sections became _______________ Germany.
17. In 1961, communist leaders built the _____________ _____________ to
separate the
communist part of the city from the free sections.
18. In November 1989, the Berlin Wall was _____________ down, and Germany
began the process of ________________.
Name: ___________________________Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 6
Chapter 6: Federal Republic of Germany (Bundersrepublik Deutschland)
Section 3: The Government of Germany
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. Germany has a _______________ government system organized by its
constitution, the Basic Law. The _____________, called Länder, share
government power with the _______________ government.
2. The states and national government have a __________________ system. The
German ________________ is made up of two houses: the Bundestag and the
3. The ______________ is the head of state. The president has _____________
powers but has an important role in government as a respected leader who signs
laws and treaties, among other duties.
4. The _______________ is the chief executive of the German government and
head of the military. The chancellor, as the head of _______________, takes
care of the day-to-day business of the nation.
5. In Germany, citizens have freedom of ______________ and ______________.
All citizens are viewed as ________________ before the law.
6. The Basic Law also states that Germany is a ______________ _____________.
This means that the _______________ guarantees people certain benefits when
they are unemployed, poor, disabled, elderly, or sick.
7. Germans have the right to ______________ for representatives in their
Name: ___________________________Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 6
Chapter 6: Federal Republic of Germany (Bundersrepublik Deutschland)
Section 4: The Economy of Germany
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. On the economic _______________ from pure market economy to pure
command economy, Germany has a strong ______________ economy.
2. The German economy is the fourth-______________ economy in the world in
terms of GDP, and it is Europe’s ______________ economy.
3. By 2012, Germany reached a budget _______________. In other words, the
government had _______________ left over after all the expenses to run the
country had been paid.
4. Germany is a ______________ power in worldwide manufacturing and trade.
5. German ______________ and machinery have a solid reputation for being well
built and dependable. Because Germany ______________ so many
manufactured goods for export, it must ______________ food and other
agriculture products to meet the needs of its people.
6. Most adults in Germany _______________ outside the home, and there is a
_____________ standard of living.
7. Germans tend to ______________ more and borrow less than American
8. At the time of the ________________ of Germany, however, the
______________ was very strong and highly valued as a stable and safe
currency. The mark was in place until the introduction of the ______________
in 1999.
Name: ___________________________Date: ______________ Class: ____________________
World Studies for Georgia Students-Grade 6
Chapter 6: Federal Republic of Germany (Bundersrepublik Deutschland)
Section 5: US-German Relations
Guided Reading
Instructions: Read the section and complete each item with words from
the passages in this section.
1. The United States is committed to preserving ______________ and
_______________ in Europe, and US-German relations have been important
for this goal since the end of World War II.
2. The _______________ of US policy toward Germany is to keep a close
relationship, not only as friends and trading partners but also as
3. As allies in ______________, the United States and Germany work side by side
to maintain peace and freedom.
4. As two of the world’s leading ______________ nations, the United States and
Germany share a commitment to an open and expanding world
5. The United States is one of Germany’s leading _____________ markets.
6. German investments in the United States focus on ________________, retail
and wholesale establishments, and ________________ and insurance.