HAVEN MAGAZINE / 89 FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 604 / NEW YORK, NY 10003 / +1.202.831.9664
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I (advertiser) agree to purchase advertising in HAVEN magazine, published by HAVEN Lifestyles, on the following terms and conditions:
Submission of Materials. Advertiser agrees to supply to publisher
all elements of the advertising to be published, including properly
formatted les and proofs by the “Ad Material” deadline indicat-
ed on the HAVEN magazine advertisement specications card.
Advertiser understands and agrees that any changes necessary to
prepare or modify the advertisement to conform to the size or pro-
duction specications listed will be limited to a reasonable amount.
Cancellations. No cancellations are allowed after the “Space
Reservation” deadline indicated on the HAVEN magazine deadline
and ad material regulations card.
Publisher’s Discretion. Publisher reserves the right to place the
word ADVERTISEMENT on any material the publisher believes to
resemble or to be confusingly similar to the publication’s editorial
or article format. Advertisers are permitted to advertise in the mag-
azine at the publisher’s discretion; the publisher reserves the right
to refuse any advertising on the basis of inappropriate or discrimi-
natory artwork at any time.
Placement. Advertisements will appear in consecutive order in
HAVEN magazine, and placement is at the publisher’s discretion,
though requests are considered on a rst come, rst served basis.
Errors. Publisher accepts no responsibility for any errors in adver-
tisements prepared or approved by the advertiser. Any substantial
errors that are the fault of the publisher will be subject to a reduc-
tion or reimbursement of the amounts paid by the advertiser, but
in no case will any claim arising from any error exceed the amount
paid for the advertisement by the advertiser. Publisher shall not
be liable for any consequential damages of any kind if for some
reason the magazine does not publish an advertisement or the
advertisement is published incorrectly.
Indemnity. Advertisers materials are accepted and published
upon the representation that the advertiser has the right to
authorize publication of all contents of the advertisement and
the representations made therein do not infringe or damage any
third party. Advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the
publisher from any and all claims and resulting damages, loss, and
expense (including attorneys fees) arising out of the publication of
the advertiser’s material. These claims include, but are not limited
to, claims or suits for libel, violation of right of privacy, plagiarism,
and copyright infringement.
Frequency Discounts. Frequency discounts are based on the
number of advertisements placed in the magazine with a publica-
tion year. Advertiser agrees that if the number of advertisements
drops below the number required for the frequency discount,
the publisher will adjust the rate of any remaining advertisements
to reect the higher advertising rate (as specied on the HAVEN
magazine rate card) and will bill the advertiser for the difference
between the amount paid and the full rate for the number of ad-
vertisements previously run.
Payment Terms. Advertiser must pay in advance. Payment must be
received by the “Space Reservation” deadline.
Scope of Agreement. These terms and conditions are the com-
plete understanding between the parties concerning all matters
contained herein, and any prior statements or representations are
superseded by this agreement.
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