): _____
SECTION B: Owner of Video Game Terminals
Name of Business:______________________________________________________________
Business Address:_______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:________________________________________________________________
Web Site Address:_______________________________________________________________
Email Address:_________________________________________________________________
Telephone #___________________Fax #___________________Cell #___________________
Retail Sales #________________________Federal Tax I.D. #36-________________________
No. of Gaming Terminals (6 allowed per establishment, 10 allowed per large truck stop): ______
SECTION C: Information Regarding Gaming License
Illinois state Gaming Board Terminal License Numbers for each terminal:
Terminal (1): #_______________________ Terminal (6): #_______________________
Terminal (2): #_______________________ Terminal (7): #_______________________
Terminal (3): #_______________________ Terminal (8): #_______________________
Terminal (4): #_______________________ Terminal (9): #_______________________
Terminal (5): #_______________________ Terminal (10): #______________________
Serial Numbers for each terminal:
Terminal (1): #_______________________ Terminal (6): #_______________________
Terminal (2): #_______________________ Terminal (7): #_______________________
Terminal (3): #_______________________ Terminal (8): #_______________________
Terminal (4): #_______________________ Terminal (9): #_______________________
Terminal (5): #_______________________ Terminal (10): #______________________
Large Truck Stop: A facility located within three (3) road miles from a freeway interchange, as measured in
accordance with the Department of Transportation’s rules regarding the criteria for the installation of business signs,
(i) that is at least a 3-acre facility with a convenience store, (ii) with separate diesel islands for fueling commercial
motor vehicle, (iii) that sells at retail more than 50,000 gallons of diesel or biodiesel fuel per month, and (iv) with
parking spaces for commercial motor vehicles.