4. Method of delivery for products/services sold: ____________________________________________
5. Length of application requested: from ___________________to______________________________
a) Hours of the day to be operating: from________________to______________________________
Per Section 19-12 of the Municipal Code Book: “No person shall engage in or carry
on any such activities permitted by this chapter prior to: sunrise or after sunset on
any day except Sundays and national holidays; prior to twelve noon, or after six
p.m. or sun-down, which ever first occurs, on Sundays; and, at any time on national
b) Approximate area within the city where the solicitation, peddling, or canvassing will take
6. Type of transportation: Model________________ Color______________ Year_________________
License plate number: ________________________________________________________________
License number and date of sticker expiration ____________________________________________
Name and Address of Owner if different from applicant:
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Street ________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ________________________________________________________________
7. Have you ever been licensed by the City of Kankakee? yes no
When?________________________ Was license ever revoked? yes no
If so, explain:__________________
8. Direct contact as a registered agent (for purpose of receiving notices, claims, or process)
Name:____________________________________ Telephone________________________________
Street____________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________
Fax ______________________________________ Title _____________________________________
9. Have you ever been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation of a Municipal
Ordinance? yes no
If yes, state the nature of the offense and the punishment or penalty:
10. Have you ever been convicted of any crime, misdemeanor, or violation under State or Federal law?
yes no
If yes, state the nature of the offense and the punishment or penalty: