Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (excluding traffic violation)? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
If yes, state type of conviction, date of conviction and disposition of case: __________________________________________________________
Have you ever had any interest in a license to sell alcoholic beverages that has been revoked by any jurisdiction? Yes: _____ No: _____
If yes, state the reason and the date of the suspension or revocation. ______________________________________________________________
Has any applicant been convicted either civilly or criminally of being delinquent in forwarding retailer’s occupational taxes to the state
Department of Revenue? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
If yes, state the type of conviction, date of conviction and disposition of the case: ____________________________________________________
Is the resident manager prohibited from holding a license under Section 120, Chapter 43, Illinois Revised Statutes 1977, Entitled “An Act Relating
to Alcoholic Liquor?” Yes: ____________ No: ____________
Are the premises for which the license is sought within 100 feet of any church, school, hospital, home for the aged, home for the indigent
persons, or home for veterans, their wives or children? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
If applicant is a club, does it comply with the Section 95.24 Illinois Revised Statutes 1977, entitled “An Act Relating to Alcoholic Liquor?”
Yes: ____________ No: ____________
Does applicant agree to produce his/her books, records (including invoices) at all reasonable times for inspection by the Local Liquor License
Commissioner or authorized agent? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
Does the applicant seek a license to sell liquor on the premises used as a restaurant? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
If yes, are meals actually and regularly served? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
Are the premises provided with adequate sanitary kitchen and dining room equipment and capacity, with sufficient employees to prepare, cook
and serve suitable food? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
Have you obtained a license from the Kankakee County Department of Public Health to operate a restaurant? Yes: _____ No: _____
Has any manufacturer, distributor or importing distributor of liquor directly or indirectly furnished, loaned or rented any interior decorations
other than signs for inside or outside use costing the aggregate more than $100 in any one calendar year, for use in or about said premises, or
paid, or agreed to pay, for this license, advance money or anything else of value, or any credit, other than credit in the ordinary course of
business for a period not to exceed (90) days, or is such person directly or indirectly interested in the ownership, conduct or operation of the
place of business? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
Are you currently appointed or elected to any public office? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
If yes, what public office do you hold? _______________________________________________________________________________________
Has any license previously issued to you by State, Federal or Local authorities been suspended or revoked? Yes: _____ No: _____
If yes, state the reason and the date of the suspension or revocation. ______________________________________________________________
Do you currently owe the City of Kankakee for any fines, taxes or services? Yes: ____________ No: ____________
Does applicant agree to report any changes on this application to the Local Liquor License Commissioner within seven (7) days of the change?
Yes: ____________ No: ____________