Vehicle Prowl Prevention
Vehicle prowls are the theft of property from a motor vehicle. Most are crimes
of opportunity through unlocked doors and open windows where victims usually
encounter expensive vehicle damage – especially to their windows, doors and locks.
Large parking locations like shopping centers, housing communities, parks and
schools are prime targets for a prowler since multiple vehicles can be hit in a short
time span. Also, prowlers know the odds are good that someone will leave a door
unlocked, a window down or keys in the ignition.
Unfortunately, vehicle prowls are very common. Luckily, they are preventable. Use these easy and inexpensive
tips to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of vehicle prowl:
Anti-Theft Devices:
◊ Steering wheel locking devices are easy to install and
◊ Car alarms are convenient and effective - Especially if
they disable the vehicle’s starter when activated
◊ Install switches to interrupt the fuel supply or
electrical systems
◊ Locking gas caps deters fuel from being siphoned
Remove These Items:
◊ Cameras
◊ CD player and CD’s
◊ Cell phones
◊ Checkbooks
◊ Clothing
◊ Credit/debit, gift cards
◊ Day planner
◊ Electronic devices
◊ Garage door opener
◊ GPS unit
◊ Jewelry
◊ Keys
◊ Laptop
◊ Luggage or bags
◊ Mail
◊ Purses
◊ Receipts/statements
◊ Store bags or packages
◊ Tools
◊ Vehicle insurance, title and
registration information
◊ Wallets
Parking & Securing Your Vehicle:
◊ Use a garage or secure location whenever possible
◊ Park in well-lit areas where your car can be seen
◊ Avoid isolated areas. Park near locations frequently
used by pedestrians
◊ If you hear something suspicious (shattering glass)
or see someone looking into vehicles, call 911
◊ Roll up the windows and lock all doors
◊ Secure the trunk, hatches, bed-mounted tool boxes,
and canopies
◊ Activate your alarm
◊ Install anti-theft devices
For emergencies, call 911
Lock your doors & windows.
Prowls are crimes of opportunity!
Remove your personal property.
“Put your junk in the trunk!”
Use anti-theft devices.
Utilize visual deterrents.
Bremerton Police Department