Drug Awareness
Parent Reference Guide
Drug awareness provides a reality check and resource for parents to understand the
issues their children are experiencing. Children are bombarded with opportunities,
from egging to shoplifting. Experimenting, using and abusing drugs is every parents
nightmare. Recognizing the signs and behavior of drug use and working with your
child is better than going through drug rehabilitative treatment later. A parent’s
biggest asset is communication and setting high family values.
Drug awareness education for your child should begin and continue at home, be enhanced through
classroom education and be promoted by law enforcement. Make sure you are open and honest with
children - let them know experimenting and using drugs are not accepted practices at your home. Utilize
resources from schools, churches and community groups to provide accurate information since parents
need to know as much about drugs as their children do! Finally, look to local law enforcement who often
speak at public meetings and in schools. Additional resources can be found on-line.
Where Do I Start?
For emergencies, call 911
What Is Out There?
Learning about drugs is easiest when they are classi ed into 4 categories:
Hallucinogens: Block the brain’s pain receptors. Time and movement seem to slow. Speech is dif cult
to understand and users hallucinate. Physical effects include loss of appetite, dilated pupils, increased
heart rate and sleeplessness. Common names: PCP, Angel Dust, Magic Mushrooms, White Lightening.
Stimulants: Make the heart beat faster which result in elevated blood pressure, blurred vision, dizziness,
and anxiety or sleep deprivation. Stimulants may cause stroke or heart failure. Taken orally, injected or
inhaled. Common names: Speed, Uppers, Black Beauties, Footballs, Crank, Crystal Meth.
Depressants: Same effects as alcohol - slurred speech and altered perception of reality. Many are in
colorful pill form. Large doses often result in convulsions or death. Common names: Downers, Blue
Devils, Red Devils, Yellow Jacket, Ludes, Quaaludes, Valium, Librium.
Narcotics: Addictive drugs that reduce pain, alters the mood and behavior. May induce sleep. Excessive
amounts suppress the ability to breathe and can cause coma or convulsions. Common names: Opium,
Morphine, LSD, Demoral, Hilbilly Heroin, Purple Drank, OC, Ox, Oxy, Oxycotton, Sippin Syrup.
What Do I Look For?
Sight: Look at your child - are their eyes and cheeks ushed red? Are the pupils overly constricted or
dilated? Are there strange burns on the mouth or ngers? Do long sleeves hide marks? Nosebleeds?
Smell: Most drugs leave telltale smells. If you notice smells on the breath or clothing - be concerned! Be
cognitive of overused breath fresheners or heavy perfumes to mask smells.
Sound: Listen to what your child says (or doesn’t say) and laughs at. Silence should be a clue!
If grades start slipping, be aware of possible drug abuse. Other indicators include skipping school, quitting
extracurricular activities and loosing motivation. Often
recollection of events isn’t logical and social circles
begin changing. Observe and interact with your child to
note changes in behavior, appearance, personal habits,
health and school work over time.
National Drug Awareness Resources:
-U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
-Partnership for a Drug Free America
(360) 473-5231
1025 Burwell Street
Community Resource Unit
Bremerton Police Department
Bremerton, WA 98337