Pedestrian Safety
Being a pedestrian can be risky business. According to the
National Traffi c Safety Administration, a pedestrian is injured in
a traffi c related collision on average every seven minutes. Below
are a few simple guidelines that may help promote an increased
level of awareness for pedestrians.
For emergencies, call 911
◊ Remember the law! Pedestrians should cross at marked crosswalks and obey ALL traffi c
control devices. Unless specifi cally directed by a traffi c control device, pedestrians should not
cross diagonally in an intersection and are subject to a fi ne.
◊ Wear Bright Clothing. Remember that drivers may have diffi culty seeing you - Especially in
the dark.
◊ Watch for Obstructions. Be particularly cautious when stepping out from behind parked
cars, poles and buildings that may hide you from a driver’s sight.
◊ Stop and Look Both Ways Before Crossing the Street. Never run into the
◊ Walk Facing Traffi c
◊ Remember to Yield! Pedestrians have the legal right of way in all intersections, whether
marked or not.
◊ Remain Alert. With all of the distractions inside your car, remember to pay close attention to
the pedestrians around you.
◊ Right Turns. Look for oncoming traffi c and for pedestrians before making a right turn.
◊ LOOK! Use caution when approaching
unmarked intersections.
◊ Obey school zone traffi c laws!
Make safety a habit
Pedestrians - Use sidewalks and walk
facing traffic
Use caution and be alert!
Bremerton Police Department