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VR FORM 600 Rev
ised 07/19
Reviewed 07/19
(b) Seller shall deliver to Purchaser at settlement an affidavit, on a form acceptable to Purchaser’s lender, if applicable, signed
by Seller that no labor or materials have been furnished to the Property within the statutory period for the filing of mechanics’
or materialmens’ liens against the Property. If labor or materials have been furnished during the statutory period, Seller shall
deliver to Purchaser an affidavit signed by Seller and the person(s) furnishing the labor or materials that the costs thereof have
been paid.
22. CONDOMINIUM DISCLOSURE: The Seller represents that the Property [select one]: is OR is not a condominium
resale, which is subject to the Virginia Condominium Act (§55-79.39 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) (the “Condominium Act”).
If the Property is a condominium resale, the Condominium Act requires the Seller to obtain from the unit owners’ association a
resale certificate and provide it to the Purchaser or Purchaser’s authorized agent. The information contained in the resale
certificate shall be current as of the specified date on the resale certificate. The Purchaser may cancel this Contract (a) within
three days after the date of this Contract, if on or before the date that the Purchaser signs this Contract, the Purchaser
receives the resale certificate or is notified that the resale certificate will not be available; (b) within three days after receiving
the resale certificate if the resale certificate or notice that the resale certificate will not be available is hand delivered, delivered
by electronic means, or delivered by a commercial overnight delivery service or the United States Postal Service and a receipt
obtained; or (c) within six days after the postmark date if the resale certificate or notice that the resale certificate will not be
available is sent to the Purchaser by United States mail. The Purchaser may also cancel this Contract at any time prior to
settlement if the Purchaser has not been notified that the resale certificate will not be available and the resale certificate is not
delivered to the Purchaser. Notice of cancellation shall be provided to the Seller (owner) or his agent by one of the following
methods: (i) hand delivery; (ii) United States mail, postage prepaid, provided the sender retains sufficient proof of mailing,
which may be either a United States postal certificate of mailing or a certificate of service prepared by the sender confirming
such mailing; (iii) electronic means provided the sender retains sufficient proof of the electronic delivery, which may be an
electronic receipt of delivery, a confirmation that the notice was sent by facsimile, or a certificate of service prepared by the
sender confirming the electronic delivery; or (iv) overnight delivery using a commercial service or the United States Postal
Service. In the event of a dispute, the sender shall have the burden to demonstrate delivery of the notice of cancellation. Such
cancellation shall be without penalty, and the Seller shall cause any deposit to be returned promptly to the Purchaser, but not
later than thirty days from the date of cancellation. Seller shall provide written instructions to the Association for the delivery of
the resale certificate to Purchaser or Purchaser’s authorized agent who is for
the purposes of this paragraph. The right to receive the resale certificate and to cancel this Contract terminates at settlement.
If the Purchaser has received the resale certificate, the Purchaser has a right, at Purchaser’s sole expense, to request from
the unit owners’ association a resale certificate update or financial update. A request for an updated resale certificate does not
extend the cancellation periods set forth above.
23. PROPERTY OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION DISCLOSURE: The Seller represents that the Property [select one]: is OR
is not located within a development which is subject to the Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act (§§ 55-508 et. seq. of
the Code of Virginia) (the “Act”). If the Property is within such a development, the Act requires the Seller to obtain from the
property owners’ association an association disclosure packet and provide it to the Purchaser, or Purchaser’s authorized
agent. The information contained in the association disclosure packet shall be current as of the specified date on the
disclosure packet. The Purchaser may cancel this Contract (a) within three days after the date of this Contract, if on or before
the date that the Purchaser signs this Contract, the Purchaser receives the association disclosure packet or is notified that the
association disclosure packet is not available; (b) within three days after receiving the association disclosure packet, if the
association disclosure packet or notice that the association disclosure packet will not be available is hand delivered, delivered
by electronic means, or delivered by a commercial overnight delivery service or the United States Postal Service and a receipt
obtained; or (c) within six days after the postmark date if the association disclosure packet or notice that the association
disclosure packet will not be available is sent to the Purchaser by United States mail. The Purchaser may also cancel this
Contract at any time prior to settlement if the Purchaser has not been notified that the association disclosure packet will not be
available and the association disclosure packet is not delivered to the Purchaser. Notice of cancellation shall be provided to
the Seller (owner) or his agent by one of the following methods: (i) hand delivery; (ii) United States mail, postage prepaid,
provided the sender retains sufficient proof of mailing, which may be either a United States postal certificate of mailing or a
certificate of service prepared by the sender confirming such mailing; (iii) electronic means provided the sender retains
sufficient proof of the electronic delivery, which may be an electronic receipt of delivery, a confirmation that the notice was sent
by facsimile, or a certificate of service prepared by the sender confirming the electronic delivery; or (iv) overnight delivery
using a commercial service or the United States Postal Service. In the event of a dispute, the sender shall have the burden to
demonstrate delivery of the notice of cancellation. Such cancellation shall be without penalty, and the Seller shall cause any
deposit to be returned promptly to the Purchaser, but not later than thirty days from the date of cancellation. Seller shall
provide written instructions to the Association for delivery of the disclosure packet to Purchaser or Purchaser’s authorized
agent who is for the purposes of this paragraph. The right to
receive the association disclosure packet and to cancel this Contract terminates at settlement. If the Purchaser has received
the association disclosure packet, the Purchaser has a right, at Purchaser’s sole expense, to request an update of such
disclosure packet from the property owners’ association. A request for an updated disclosure packet does not extend the
cancellation periods set forth above.
24. LEAD-BASED PAINT INSPECTION: This paragraph applies only if the Property was built prior to 1978 and is not exempt from
the provisions of the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. § 4852d) (the “Lead Paint Act”)
and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. (Check as applicable):