Rehire Eligibility Review Form
Employee Information
Please complete the required fields indicated by an asterisk*, and include any supporting details that will help us
research your request.
*Last Name:
*First Name:
If you were known by a different name(s) during your employment, please list:
Person Number/Employee ID, if known; do not include Social Security Number:
*Date of Birth (month and year):
Date of Hire:
of Separation:
Former Manager (if known):
*State: *Postal Code:
*Last Position Held:
*Location of Last Position Held:
*Current Mailing Address:
*Preferred Method of Response:
*Email Address:
Were you previously employed with Bank of America or one of our legacy companies (NationsBank, Boatman's,
BankAmerica, Fleet Bank, MBNA, LaSalle Bank, Countrywide, Merrill Lynch, etc)? Yes or No.
If yes, with which company/companies were you employed?
Please explain why you believe your rehire status is incorrect. Include any additional documentation to support your
position when you mail/fax this form (attach additional documentation, if necessary):
Thank you for providing this information. We will respond to your inquiry within seven to ten business days of the date
this form is received. Providing incomplete or incorrect required information may impact the ability to research your
request. We will only contact you via phone if we require clarification. Please note submitting a Rehire Eligibility Review
Form initiates a review, but does not guarantee that your rehire eligibility with Bank of America will be changed.