Section 3 – Request for Reconsideration
EFSC Procedures Manual §201.7(E): Trespassed persons may request reconsideration of a trespass notice within one (1) year of the date of
issuance, subject to the following:
1. T
he request shall be made in writing to the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs/CLO (e-mail is sufficient), and shall be based upo
least one of the following:
a. T
he person does not pose a threat of harm to himself or herself or the College community or to College property;
b. The person is unlikely to cause future disruption or interference with normal College operations; or
c. Other good cause exists to reconsider the trespass notice.
2. T
he trespassed person shall have the burden of proof by clear and convincing evidence.
3. The Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs/CLO will determine the College official(s) who will hear the request, who may be or
include the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs/CLO.
4. The trespassed person may be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard and present evidence to the extent possible and practicabl
er the circumstances (the person will not be allowed to appear as a result of being trespassed from College property). However, the
presiding College official(s) may demand the trespassed person provide additional information and/or submit to medical and/or mental health
evaluation(s) at the trespassed person’s own expense by a mental health provider selected by the College before hearing or considering any
request. The individual may be required to sign a release of information allowing the College’s selected mental health provider to provide a
summary of findings and recommendation to the presiding College official(s).
5. If the trespassed person desires to attend classes in an upcoming term, requests must be made at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of
such term.
rior to rescinding any Trespass, the presiding College official(s) shall consult with the Vice President overseeing the Security Department to
ensure awareness of all updated safety and security concerns involving the individual in question.
7. If a trespassed person does not request reconsideration within one (1) year of the date of issuance, or if the trespass notice is affirmed after
hearing a request for reconsideration, the trespass will remain in effect indefinitely until further notice. Timely made requests for reconsideration
(i.e. made within 1 year of the date of issuance) which are denied will not be considered again until the expiration of one (1) year from the
date of denial (and only if a new request is made).
Date of Issuance of Trespass Notice: ___________________________________________________________________________
Date(s) of Previous Denial(s) of Request(s) for Reconsideration (if any): ________________________________________
Reason(s) why the individual does not pose a threat to himself or herself or the College community (use additional
sheets as necessary):
Reason(s) why the individual is unlikely to cause future disruption or interference with normal College operations
(use additional sheets as necessary):
Description of other good cause to reconsider the issuance of a trespass notice (use additional sheets as
Section 4 – Signature of Requestor
**I affirm that the information provided herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of Requestor:_______________________________________ Date: _______________________________
----For Administrative Use Only----