Section 3 – Suspension/Expulsion Hearing Appeal
EFSC Procedures Manual §201.5.1(6)(c): If a student is found responsible on one or more charges, no later than 7 days after service of the
decision, the student may submit a written appeal of the decision and/or imposed sanctions to the Vice President for Academic and Student
Affairs/CLO. A student’s appeal may only be based upon one or more of the following: (1) improper procedures that materially affected the result;
(2) newly discovered information or evidence that was not reasonably available at the time of the Conduct Meeting through the exercise of diligence
by the student, and that would have a materially altered the result; or (3) the sanction imposed was inappropriate for the violation(s). The Vice
President for Academic and Student Affairs/CLO shall consider the merits of an appeal only on the basis of the above listed grounds for appeal. A
student’s dissatisfaction with the result is not a valid ground for appeal. Any sanctions imposed will not be stayed during the appellate process, as
the original result and sanction are presumed correct. Students may not present any oral argument on appeal unless specifically requested by the
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs/CLO, who may affirm the original result, alter the finding(s) of responsibility, alter the sanctions,
or remand the matter for further Suspension/Expulsion Hearing proceedings. Within 14 days of the student’s submission of the written appeal, Vice
President for Academic and Student Affairs/CLO shall inform the student in writing of the outcome of the appeal via the student’s College email
address, unless extenuating circumstances that resulted in a delay are communicated in writing to the student.
Date of Service of Decision: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Basis of Appeal:
_____ Improper procedures materially affected the result; or
_____ Newly discovered information or evidence that was not reasonably available at the time of the
Conduct Meeting through the exercise of diligence by the student, and that would have a materially
altered the result; or
_____ The sanction imposed was inappropriate for the violation(s).
Explain Reason(s) for Appeal (use additional sheets as necessary):
Description of supporting evidence, if any (use additional sheets as necessary):
Section 4 – Interim Action Appeal
EFSC Procedures Manual §201.5.2(2): The student shall have 2 business days from the date of notification to appeal the interim action (not
including the date of issuance). The student’s appeal of the interim action must be made in writing (e-mail is sufficient) to the Vice President of
Academic and Student Affairs/CLO and must be based upon one of the following grounds: (a) An egregious error pertaining to the student’s
involvement; or (b) A contention that the violation, even if proven, does not pose an imminent threat of harm to themselves or the health, safety,
or general welfare of the College community or property, and thus does not warrant interim action(s). Any appeal of the interim action will be heard
within 10 business days of receipt of the appeal, which may be delayed due to a semester break, closing of the College, or other extenuating
circumstances. The outcome shall be communicated to the student via the student’s College email address within 3 business days of hearing the
appeal. If it is determined by that the interim action was not warranted, the student’s status will be reinstated and the conduct process will continue
in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. If the student does not appeal the interim action, or if the interim action is affirmed on appeal,
the interim action will remain in effect until conclusion of the conduct process.
Date of Notification of Interim Action:
Basis of Appeal:
_____ An egregious error pertaining to the student’s involvement; or
_____ The alleged violation, even if proven, does not pose an imminent threat of harm to myself or the
health, safety, or general welfare of the College community or property, and thus does not warrant
interim action(s).
Explain Reason(s) for Appeal (use additional sheets as necessary):