Transfer OUT Clearance Form
International Student Admissions
All students in F-1 (Student) status will have only one record in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System
(SEVIS). Only one school at a time can access a student's record. If you wish to transfer from EFSC to another
school, you must complete this form and submit an acceptance letter from your new school to the International
Service Office. You CANNOT receive an I-20 from the new school until this form has been returned to the
International Office.
We can only transfer you to ONE school.
EFSC will update your record in SEVIS for a "Transfer Out", (2) specify name of transfer school you
indicate below and (3) specify a transfer release date.
The International Advisor will use the end date of the current semester/term as your transfer release date.
Your new school will not be able to issue you a SEVIS I-20 until the transfer release date. You may request
an earlier release date PROVIDED you, (1) state the reason for the request and (2) attach supporting
documents (Acceptance letter including reporting date, advising date and/or testing date, etc.).
If you decide to continue at EFSC and not transfer, you MUST notify the International Office BEFORE
transfer release date. EFSC will not have access to your record once transfer date is reached.
This procedure is only for release of your SEVIS record for transfer purposes. You must still complete a School
Transfer procedure within 15 days from end of registration for your initial term at your new school.
Please PRINT all information requested.
Last Name First Name Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
SEVIS #: N Admission (I-94) # EFSC ID #__________________________
School Name: Campus:
School Address:
City: ____________________________________________ State:______________________ Zip Code: ___________________
Phone #:__________________________________________ Fax#: ___________________________________________________
First Term at new school: _____________________________Expected Start Date:___________________________________
Do you need a transfer release date before the end of the current semester/term at EFSC? YES No
If YES, state your requested release date: _________________________ State reason(s) and you MUST attach
supporting documents to this request:
Please read and sign: I authorize EFSC to update my SEVIS record for a transfer out procedure and release my
record to above- named school by current semester/term end date or earlier on date requested above. I am aware
that should I change my mind, I must notify the EFSC International Office before transfer release date. Failure to
do so will mean I may be required to attend the new school. I attest that the information provided above and
documented, as applicable, is true and valid.
SIGNATURE:_____________________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________
FOR EFSC USE ONLY: Original form and all supportin
g documents submitted must be retained in student's International file.
SEVIS updated on_____________ by ______________________________with transfer release date of_________________
(MM/DD/YY) EFSC Intl. Advisor (MM/DD/YY)
SC-201 R0-073114
click to sign
click to edit