Petition for Course Substitution or Waiver
NOTE TO CAMPUS: If you receive this petition, complete SECTION C and submit to the Office of the Registrar.
Form should be typed or printed neatly in ink.
Student will receive e-mail notification of final decision.
This form may also be used to petition for a course substitution based on a documented disability. After completion of
section A, student should submit this form to the campus SAIL office.
SECTION A: Student complete this section.
Submit to: Office of the Registrar, 1519 Clearlake Rd., C2-202, Cocoa, FL 32922
Step 1. Provide Your Information
Student Name: (Print Legibly) ______________________________________________________
ID# _____________________________
EFSC Email: __________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: _________________________
Program Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Anticipated graduation date in this program: _______________________________________________________________________
Step 2. Identify whether you are requesting a course substitution or course waiver.
(Note: this form is used for the purpose of substituting or waiving a course for degree completion only. It is not a request to waive a
course prerequisite for registration purposes.)
Indicates student has taken a course that meets the content and/or spirit of a required course in the student’s program. An approved
substitution will not appear on the student’s transcript, but will satisfy the requirement for graduation. Course used for substitution must
have been completed with a minimum grade of “C”. A substitution applies only to the program for which it is approved
Substitute this course:
(prefix, number, title)
For the following required course:
(prefix, number, title)
Course taken at:
(name of institution)
Attach documentation to support the petition for course substitution (e.g. course description or syllabus).
Indicates student has successfully attained learning outcomes of course petitioned for waiver through demonstrated knowledge and/or
skills not reflected on a transcript from another institution. An approved waiver is not reflected on the student’s official transcript and
academic credit is not awarded. The waiver will satisfy the requirement for graduation, but the student may be required to complete
coursework to account for outstanding credit hours required in the program. A waiver applies only to the program for which it is approved.
Attach documentation to support the course waiver. Briefly explain below how course learning outcomes have been attained.
Course requested for waiver: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Prefix Number Title
Rationale for Waiver:
Student Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________
SCA-020 R091619 White dbl sided ltr
SECTION B: Office of the Registrar
EFSC Procedures as well as the student’s curriculum, catalog year and educational or career goals were considered in
rendering this decision.
The Office of the Registrar has reviewed and approved the student’s request. It is compliant with EFSC procedures and will not
compromise the integrity of the student’s program.
The Offic
e of the
Registrar has reviewed the student’s request and does not believe it warrants
further consideration. A brief
for this decision:
Office of the Registrar Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________
Offices of Accessibility/Disability Services (SAIL) and Student Affairs
The committee consis
ting of the Director, Student Accessibility Services; the Associate Vice President, Student Affairs; and the
Registrar convened on the following date: ________________.
Request was: Approved Denied
SECTION D: Office of the Registrar
Request has been processed, noted in SPACMNT, student notified, and copy scanned into student’s record.
Processed by: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________
Reviewed and Approved: The Office of Accessibility/Disability Services has
reviewed the student's disability documentation in
terms of type, severity and relevance to the requested substitution and the avenues that have been pursued in an attempt to
successfully complete the course/s for which a substitution is sought.
The Office of Accessibility/Disability Services has reviewed the student’s request and does not believe it warrants further
consideration. A brief explanation for this decision:
Director of SAIL Signature: ________________________________________
Date: __________________________
The Office of Student Affairs has reviewed and approved the student’s request based upon evaluation of the student's
academic record and recommendations from the Offices of the Registrar and Accessibility/Disability Services.
The Office of Student Affairs has reviewed the student’s request and does not believe it warrants further consideration. A brief
explanation for this decision:
AVP of Student Affairs Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________