Select The Type of Letter You Are Requesting:
☐1. Letter that includes personal observations or assessments –
• Subjective things such as "stellar student," "takes part in class discussions," or "mediocre performance."
☐2. Letter that includes information from my education record. This letter must come from the Office of the Registrar
or designated records personnel in the Campus Admissions and Records Office.
Student Name:__________________________________________________ Student ID:
Currently enrolled at EFSC? ☐Yes
☐No I waive my right to review this letter. ☐Yes ☐No
I am requesting a letter of recommendation from: ________________________________________________________
Purpose of Letter: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address Letter to Whom? __________________________________________________________________________
In addition to my name, I request the following information to be included in the letter:
My Social Security Number: ________________________________
Course Grade: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Course information: ________________________________________________________________________________
Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
☐ Student will pick up on (Date): ______________________________
☐ Mail to the address below: Please print clearly
Student legal signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________________
To person making the recommendation: After you have completed the letter of recommendation, please sign and date
below and send this form to the campus Admissions and Records Office.
Signature: _____________________________________________________Date:______________________________
SCA-220 R032619 White ltr
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