Enrolment Services
2700 College Way, Box 8500
Cranbrook, BC | V1C 5L7
250-489-8237 | 250-489-8219 Fax
1-877-489-2687 x 3237 Toll Free
Scan and email to: reghelp@cotr.bc.ca
8/20/2019\jkH:\REGISTRA\forms\Permission to Audit Form [2019].docx
Today’s Date (YYYY/MM/DD):
The Permission to Audit form is an agreement between an instructor and a student who intends to enrol in a course
without receiving credit, as per College of the Rockies’ 2.1.4 Course Audit policy. To change to “audit” status, the student must:
1. Obtain instructor permission through the completion of this form.
2. Submit the Permission to Audit form to Enrolment Services for processing.
3. Register and pay full tuition fees for the course, and purchase text books and supplies.
Last Name: First Name:
Phone Number(s): Email Address:
Semester & Year
(e.g. Fall 2018)
(please print)
The student agrees to meet the following course requirements, as detailed in course outline and/or syllabus:
mark all that apply
Preparation (specify which, if not all: course readings, homework, etc.)
Attendance and Participation (specify which, if not all: group work, field trips, etc.)
Assignments (specify which, if not all: papers, research projects, etc.)
Exams (specify which, if not all: quizzes, tests, mid-term(s), final, group, oral, etc.)
The instructor agrees to provide written/oral feedback on the student’s work
The instructor agrees to provide (advisory) grades on the student’s work
NOTE: Audited courses cannot be used to meet minimum course load requirements for Student financial assistance
Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy
The College of the Rockies complies with the Freedom of Information/Protection of Privacy legislation of the Province of British
Columbia. Information collected on this form is used in the normal course of College operations in accordance with this legislation.
Please read the following before signing:
I declare that the information contained in this form is to the best of my knowledge, complete and correct. I hereby agree to comply
with the rules and regulations of the College.
Change from Credit to Audit and entered into Colleague by: ____________________ Date:_________________________
NOTE: Students requesting a status change from “Credit to Audit” shall do so by the end of the fourth week for a 15-week semestered course, or the end
of the second week of an intersessional semester, or 20% from the start of the course delivery hours.