A Guide for Individual and Business Contributions
College of the Rockies exists to transform lives and enrich communities through the power of education.
As a post-secondary institution firmly rooted in the East Kootenay, we pride ourselves on meeting the
need for accessible and applied education across Southeastern British Columbia.
As a donor, your generous support contributes to the success of our students and is an important
investment in our community. Scholarships, awards and bursaries encourage success by rewarding
achievement and/or addressing financial needs of our prospective and current students.
These gifts have an immediate impact on a student’s life, often allowing them to remain in school to
achieve their goals. This is an opportunity to create a legacy at College of the Rockies, by supporting
qualities that align with your priorities, honouring a milestone, or remembering a loved one.
There are two types of gifts when creating a scholarship, award, or bursary:
• ANNUAL – where a financial amount (minimum $500) is committed each year and all funds are
exhausted during the fiscal year received. Funds are awarded to students as scholarships,
awards or bursaries. We encourage donors to commit to at least 3 years when creating an
annual scholarship, award or bursary.
• PERMANENT – where a minimum amount of $5,000 is donated to College of the Rockies in
perpetuity. The funds received may be matched by the College and all interest generated from
the associated percentage of the book value of the investment is disbursed as an annual or
biennial scholarship, award or bursary.
Yes, I am interested in creating a scholarship, award or bursary and would like to further discuss my
proposed gift with the Director, Donor and Alumni Engagement.
Name: _________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________
Email (if applicable): ________________________________
Proposed name of the Scholarship, Award or Bursary:
Please complete the information on the reverse side and submit to
Or via post or in person at:
College of the Rockies
Graham Knipfel, Director, Donor and Alumni Engagement
2700 College Way, Cranbrook, BC, V1C 5L7