The Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI), along with the QEP Committee
of the Faculty, is pleased to request proposals from departments and faculty to develop or
redesign courses within the majors to align with the inquiry-based experiential education
focus of the OURI. These courses will ensure “students will be introduced to the tools and
technologies of their disciplines” through “enhanced discipline-based courses(QEP p 17).
Inquiry-based discipline-specific courses can include a variety of skills including qualitative
and quantitative literacy, framing of questions or problems, exploring questions or
problems through appropriate discipline-specific processes and methods, and drawing a
variety of conclusions based upon acquired skills within a theoretical framework. In the
sciences this will likely include hypothesis generation and testing, while in the arts this will
likely include conceptualizing and creating a product (a work of art: a painting, a sculpture,
a poem, a music score) or performance (a recital, play, or other creation). In inquiry-based
courses students are given the direction to examine alternatives within the discipline and
draw conclusions through individually guided explorations.
Departments and professors will play a vital role in creating courses that will scaffold
students through the inquiry process at a level commensurate with students’ knowledge
and abilities. When using inquiry-based lessons, professors.are responsible for:.starting the
inquiry process; promoting student dialog; transitioning between small groups and
classroom discussions; intervening to clear misconceptions or develop students'
understanding of content material; modeling scientific or artistic procedures and attitudes;
and, utilizing student experiences to create new content knowledge. (Llewellyn, 2002)
“At the discipline-based skills course level, students will learn about:
Their faculty member’s area of research and current topics of interest;
Application of practices and methods (including tools and technology) within a
discipline, done in a scaffolded approach, in a lab, studio, field or office setting;
Intermediate level hypothesis and problem-framing processes related to higher
level skills related to research and inquiry;
Performance of an authentic inquiry-based project using acquired skills in response
to a hypothesis or inquiry-based problem;
Communication skills such as report writing;
Application of work in the four SLO areas” (QEP, p 19-20)
When incorporating inquiry-based methods into the classroom, departments and
professors should engage students in a variety of activities ensure that students have the
opportunity to successfully move through the inquiry cycle not just at the course level, but
as they move through their major program. This six-stage inquiry cycle (identified by
Llewellyn, 2002, p. 13-14) and potential courses activities and objectives, as referenced in
the QEP, are identified below:
1 Inquisition stating a "what if" or "I wonder" question to be investigated
-Classroom activities that engage students in information literacy or discipline-
specific forms of communication such as written, oral, or other means to examine
- Teaching modes of inquiry that are discipline-specific.
2 Acquisition – brainstorming possible procedures
-Review of various approaches and methods specific to the discipline that could be
used to examine questions or problems
- Teaching skills (equipment use, stats, software, etc.) needed to employ those
modes of inquiry.
3 Supposition – identifying an "I think" statement to test
-Coursework where students identify the strengths and weaknesses of various
research and inquiry methodologies used to solve current problems or understand
principles in the discipline
- Teaching the process of asking and answering research questions (hypothesis
formation and testing; creative works design and creation).
4 Implementation – designing and carrying out a plan
-Assignments or projects in which students collect and analyze data,
-Laboratory, field, or studio course components for specific skill building (e.g.,
instrumentation, performance styles, working with certain materials)
-Requiring at least one inquiry based project or activity that applies the information.
5 Summation – collecting evidence and drawing conclusions
-Assignments or projects in which students conduct analyses and reflect upon
-Assignments or projects in which students create works of art and reflect upon
their final product.
6 Exhibition – sharing and communication results
-Research- and inquiry-focused writing assignments, performances, showcases
- Teaching the ways in which outcomes are presented, shared and discussed with
others (written/oral communication skill sets).
For consideration of an Inquiry-Based Course Development and Redesign Grant, please
complete all sections of this form. Where needed, please use the text boxes to provide more
information. Partial submissions will not be considered, nor returned for editing.
Department Name Date
Faculty Member Name submitting on behalf of department
UT email
UT phone extension
Type.of.course.grant.will.be.used.for.(please review and select.one):.
Course Redesign (max award $1000)
Awarded to a faculty member who is not currently teaching an inquiry-based course
and will redesign the entire course to assist the OURI. Faculty will provide.a.
syllabus pre-.and.post-redesign and.any.assignments to confirm the inquiry-
based approach and add assessments to assist the OURI. Redesign'must'result'in'
changing'75%'or'more'of'a'class assignments/grade to incorporate inquiry-based
Redesigning significant assignment in a course (max award $600)
Awarded to a faculty member who would like to add an inquiry-based assignment
as worth'at'least'35%'of'the'overall'course'grade, but will not do a complete redesign
of a course. Faculty will.provide.a.syllabus.to.show.the.addition of the
assignment, the value in the overall course grade, and materials associated with the
assignment to confirm the inquiry-based approach. In addition, faculty will
complete assessments along with the assignment to assist the OURI
Adding assessments to an existing inquiry-based course (max award $400)
Awarded to a faculty member who is determined to already teach an inquiry-based
course and adds assessments to assist the OURI. Faculty will provide.a.course.
syllabus.and.assignments for confirmation of the inquiry-based approach.
Creation of a new inquiry-based course (max award $1000)
Faculty will provide.a.syllabus.and.assignments to confirm the inquiry-based
approach and complete assessments to assist the OURI.
Please identify the course number, name, and term (Fall or Spring- grant is for only one term, but once
converted the course will be an inquiry course moving forward):
Impact on Department/Major:
Reminder: While'we'welcome'proposals'from'all'faculty'and'programs,'the'goal'of'the'OURI'is
Is this course part of a sequence:
Is this course a pre-requisite to other courses in the major:
Is the course required for any major
(e.g., your department or other departments):!
Is the course required for any minor
(e.g., your department or other departments):!
As a major focus of the OURI is enhancing inquiry-based exper
iential education not just
within courses, but within majors, describe how this course will help to advance inquiry-
based experiential education in the department where the course is housed:
How many sections of this course are offered during the term? (all sections will be used for
Please describe, providing attachments such as syllabi and assignments, how the proposed
work fits within the framework of inquiry-based experiential education, and the supporting
OURI as defined above.
Stages of inquiry: Please be sure to identify and explain how students will move through
at least 4'levels'of'the'inquiry'cycle'identified'on page 2 above:
Goals and Outcomes: Please identify the goals and student learning outcomes of
the OURI (see page 7 below) that are addressed via this proposal:
Attachments: ;3,*+,.%">3$-,.+'33*B$+G+'33*B%.*"-.06A,&.+$440&6%"8.-0>$5,"6+.
C%6A.6A%+.*443%>*6%0"J.If you have the option in your program, y0$.>*".%">3$-,.
*66*>A5,"6+.-%&,>63'.%"60.6A%+.4-: by choosing "Tools" from the Adobe toolbar,
"Content Editing", "Attach a File"J..If you cannot find that option, please simply
include all supporting documents in submission e-mail. There is no need to limit
the number of supporting files
After receiving approvals for these inquiry-based experiential education course offerings,
faculty will agree to participate in training to be eligible for OURI funding and resources
(QEP, p 33). This will occur through a workshop prior to the start of the semester.
Additionally, faculty who receive these grants will agree to use course assessment
instruments and data collection, provided by the OURI, to help advance the office’s goals.
Those assessments will include rubrics and online surveys (e.g., surveys
of critical
thinking and intellectual development). To provide opportunities to share experiences and
discuss possible changes to approaches, we will also hold meetings to discuss course
progress, successes, and failures throughout the semester.
1. Enhancing the awareness, importance, and visibility of scholarship and inquiry at
UT by actively promoting and supporting both faculty mentoring and student
engagement in these key learning processes;
2. Increasing opportunities for student scholarship and creative works by developing
more opportunities for faculty-student engagement for intensive mentoring and
creative relationships;
3. Engaging more students in quality internship experiences through changes in
curricular requirements, strengthening of the rigor of internship outcomes and
improved relations with community partners; and
4. Enhancing the University organizational structure to support these experiential
1. Improving critical thinking skills as determined by changes in student approaches
and problem solving as measured by external and internal assessment instruments;
2. Improving communication abilities as determined by improvements in writing
styles and abilities as measured by qualitative scoring rubrics and national normed
3. Improving communication abilities in public speaking/presentation skills as
measured by qualitative scoring rubrics and national normed tests;
4. Attaining practical skills related to the field of inquiry, including
information/reference searching, quantitative literacy, creative thinking, and
problem solving relative to projects and performance standards.
To review the University’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), follow this link: