*Scheduled events may impact the availability of space
*No cooking shall be allowed on Park property
*Provide a map indicating expansion boundaries
*Use of park utilities will not be allowed
*Parks will remain open to the public for regular use
PRIMARY CONTACT: (name of individual or group responsible for closure activities)
Business or Organization Name
Address: City: Zip:
Day Phone: Night Phone:
Alternate Phone: Email:
SECONDARY CONTACT: (additional individual or group responsible for closure activities)
Business or Organization Name
Address: City: Zip:
Day Phone: Night Phone:
Alternate Phone: Email:
Describe the business's plan for use of the adjacent park:
LFUCG may allow the expansion of selected portions of an outdoor eating area or retail into an adjacent park for
restaurants or retail businesses to provide additional space for seating or retail. This application shall be used by a
restaurant or retail business to request temporary expansion into an adjacent park. In the interest of public safety, these
expansions must be reviewed and approved by the LFUCG before use of the park is permitted.
It is the responsibility of the businesses along the street to activate these spaces with temporary materials.
Maintenance and daily upkeep associated with business operations will be the responsibility of the businesses.
A. Submit a plan illustrating the business' intended layout within the temporary expansion. Include
dimensions and indicate required social distancing spacing, ADA compliant walk zones, defined boundaries of
each business, desired lighting, and any physical barriers planned for public safety. Ensure layouts refrain
from blocking fire hydrants.
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B. Describe the business' plan for garbage collection within the special recovery district:
C. Describe the business' methods to enforce social distancing requirements:
E: Has your expanded business footprint been approved by the Health Department, if applicable?
F: Has your expanded business footprint been approved by the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), if applicable?
G: Do you plan to use tents within the expanded area? If so, have you obtained a permit?
H: Please describe any equipment/furniture that will be used on the park and how this will be stored nightly.
D: Describe the business' plan for expansion into the park. What type of physical barrier will be used to
enclose the area. For example, jersey barrier, temp fence, etc.
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*Tent stakes are not allowed in parks.
Signature and title of applicant:
Submit completed application, plans, and any other supporting materials to the Division of Parks and Recreation
Return to:
Office of the Mayor
Attn: Brandi Peacher
200 E. Main St
Lexington, KY 40507
or email to: bpeacher@lexingtonky.gov
Please check boxes to ensure you have completed and enclosed all required materials:
Completed application
Certificates of Insurance
Diagram/Plan for Closure and Restaurant/Retail Layout
1) INSURANCE: The applicant must possess liability insurance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 per occurrence,
covering the expanded location and naming the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government as an additional insured,
which cannot be terminated or cancelled without thirty (30) days notice to the Government for use of public sidewalks,
on-street parking; or public streets closed to motor vehicle traffic; and
2) DAMAGES: The applicant must assume responsibility for any and all damage to public property that occurs within the
retail business’ or restaurant’s use of additional outdoor space; and
3) MAINTENANCE: The applicant must regularly pick up, remove, and dispose of all trash or refuse left by the business
or its patrons in its additional outdoor space; and
4) SMOKING: The applicant must prohibit smoking in the retail business’ or restaurant’s additional outdoor space; and
5) COMPLIANCE: The applicant must agree that the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government reserves the right to
require removal of facilities not in compliance with Ordinance , other existing ordinances for which enforcement has not
been suspended under this Ordinance, or state or federal law. Applicant must otherwise comply with the requirements
of local, state, and federal law, including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act, state and local Alcohol
Beverage Control regulations, health department regulations, local ordinances for which enforcement was not
suspended under this ordinance, and Executive Orders and business opening requirements issued by Governor Beshear.
6) TIMEFRAME: Applicant must agree that all facilities placed for use by retail businesses and restaurants in accordance
with this Ordinance must be temporary in nature and shall be removed upon expiration or termination of this Ordinance.
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