Employee Discount Program
Participation Understanding
1. On behalf of , we are pleased to offer the employees of the
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government a purchasing discount or other incentive, as identified in this
a. W
e propose to offer the following discount(s) or other incentive(s) to LFUCG personnel:
2. W
e state the discount(s) or incentive(s), outlined in paragraph 2, will be valid for a period of no less than one
year effective from the date of this understanding and will be available at all locations (if more than one) o
pecified as follows:
a. Please list my business under (category):
Electronics Health & wellness Retail Travel/food/entertainment Services/education
3. E
ither party may cancel the understanding upon 30 days of written notification.
4. L
FUCG personnel will identify themselves as we will accept either a valid picture LFUCG ID or other valid LFUC
ID with a driver’s license or other picture identification as proof of eligibility to participate in the discounts
outlined in paragraph 2 during the term of this understanding.
5. W
e acknowledge this understanding is not a contractual document with the LFUCG.
6. During the term of this understanding, all questions will be directed to the Employee Discount Program through
one of the following means:
mployee Discount Program (859)
8-3306 | phone
Office of Public Information staceyd@lexingtonky.gov | email
200 E. Main St. | Lexington, KY 40508
7. I
understand that I may view program information on the City’s website at lexingtonky.gov.
8. Th
e LFUCG may notify City employees on the internal website, through flyers, mailers and email. If we advertise
or otherwise make our incentives known to employees of the LFUCG, we will bear all responsibility and
advertising costs.
9. W
e understand the LFUCG does not warrant to its employees any goods or services provided to its employees
by a business participating in the Employee Discount Program, and that the LFUCG reserves the rights, in its sole
discretion, to limit the discount program to certain categories or goods or services.
Signature: Date:
Typed name: Title:
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