Worksite Agreement
Summer Youth Job Training Program 2020
June 8, 2020 through July 17, 2020
This agreement is made between the Lexington Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) Department of Social
Services, Partners for Youth Foundation, Inc., and the following organization/business:
It is agreed to provide employment to eligible youth participants of the Summer Youth Job Training Program
authorized and funded by Lexington Fayette Urban County Government. Under this agreement, program
participants will be provided useful work experience, which will be consistent with each participant’s capabilities
and interests which will assist these youth in obtaining future unsubsidized employment.
It is agreed that such work experience will be conducted in a safe and sanitary working environment and that the
following be provided in compliance with all applicable KY Child Labor Laws: adequate full-time supervision of
each participant by qualified supervisors; adequate accountability for participant’s time and attendance; and
adherence by all parties to the rules and regulations governing the SYJTP Program.
This worksite agreement is designed to outline the responsibilities of all worksites. The employer agrees to provide
the Partners for Youth with information concerning changes in duties or hours of work. The employer further
agrees to comply with the following guidelines, and assures the fulfillment of the following responsibilities:
1. This worksite will comply with the rules and regulations governing the SYJTP Program. This worksite is
subject to monitoring evaluation visits by persons whose task will be to determine if terms and conditions
of this agreement are in compliance.
2. Should the number of participants and/or the nature of their activities at the worksite change, the worksite
agrees to notify the Partners for Youth staff immediately so that this agreement may be modified.
3. Accurate time and attendance records will be kept by the worksite supervisor on each participant and will
reflect the time actually worked by the participant. At least one supervisor will be designated to monitor
the participants.
4. Participants will be given a ten minute (paid) break every 4 hours and a thirty (30) minute (non-paid) lunch
for working 5 or more hours. No participant will be allowed to work more than (20) hours per week or over
eight (8) hours per day.
5. This worksite will have sufficient work for all participants employed during work hours.
6. This worksite has sufficient equipment and materials to accomplish tasks assigned to participants.