Teacher Candidate _______________________________ School ______________________________ Gr. Level _____
Evaluator _________________________________ ____ SELF ____ CT ____ COLLEGE SUPERVISOR
Evaluator Signature_________________________________ Date___________
E = Exceptional performance (Innovating)
Astute, innovative teaching practices that enhance student learning
Shows unusual skills, perception, and/or creativity
Usually associated with experienced and highly motivated teachers; rarely exhibited by a teacher candidate
Clearly exceeds expected requirements of teacher candidates
H = High performance (Integrating)
Insightful, integrative teaching practices that positively influence student learning
Shows higher-than-average skill, perception, creativity in this area
Usually associate with experienced teachers
Exceeds expected requirements of teacher candidates
A = Adequate performance (Applying)
Practical, diligent application of teaching practices that facilitate student learning
Shows average skill, perception, and creativity in this area
Usually associated with novice teachers
Meets expected requirements
D = Developing performance (Emerging)
Limited, routine teaching practices that show emerging understanding of student learning
Shows an area of skill, of perception, and/or creativity that needs to further develop
Usually requires additional study and practice as guided through specific feedback
Below expected requirements for growth
U = Unacceptable performance (Beginning)
Halting, unsure teaching practices that show little movement from being a learner to a teacher
Shows little or no skill, perception, and/or creativity
Does not demonstrate ability to respond to specific feedback to improve
Clearly does not meet expected requirements
N/A = Not assessable
Could not assess given the lack of time and/or evidence.
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Standard #1: The teacher knows the subject content. The teacher demonstrates understanding of the central concepts, tools of
inquiry, and structures of the disciplines and creates learning experiences that make content meaningful and purposeful for learners.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Seeks to keep abreast of new ideas and understanding in the field, realizing that subject matter
knowledge is not a fixed body of facts.
D.2: Appreciates varying viewpoints and communicates to learners how knowledge is developed through
the lens of multiple perspectives.
D.3: Demonstrates enthusiasm for the discipline taught and makes connections to everyday life.
D.4: Shows commitment to continuous learning and engages in professional discourse about subject matter
knowledge and student learning of the discipline.
Standard #2: The teacher knows how learners grow and develop. The teacher demonstrates understanding of how learners with
broad ranges of ability learn and provides instruction that supports student’s intellectual, social, emotional, and personal development.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Recognizes individual variation within each area of development, shows respect for the diverse talents
of all learners
and shows commitment to the develo
ment of the learner.
D.2: Values student strengths as a basis for growth and a means for overcoming deficits.
Standard #3: The teacher understands diversity. The teacher demonstrates understanding of how learners differ in approaches to
learning, that barriers may exist impeding learning, and that adaptation of instruction may meet these diverse needs of learners,
including those with disabilities and exceptionalities.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Demonstrates a belief that all children can learn at high levels and persists in helping all children
achieve success.
D.2: Values human diversity, shows respect for students’ varied talents and perspectives, and is committed
to individual success.
D.3: Shows respect to students as individuals with differing backgrounds, skills, talents, and interests.
D.4: Recognizes students for their potential and provides opportunities for them to learn to value each other.
Standard #4: The teacher knows how to teach. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including
technology, to encourage learner development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Values the development of students’ critical thinking, independent problem solving, and performance
D.2: Values flexibility for adapting instruction to student responses, ideas, and needs.
Standard #5: The teacher knows how to create and maintain a positive learning environment. The teacher demonstrates an
understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that engages learners through positive
social interaction, active learning, and self-motivation.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Takes responsibility for establishing positive climate in the class-room and contributes to a positive
climate in the school as a whole.
D.2: Is committed to the expression and use of democratic values in the classroom.
D.3: Values the role of students in promoting each other’s learning and recognizes the importance of peer
relationships in establishing a climate of learning.
D.4: Recognizes the value of intrinsic motivation to students’ lifelong growth and learning.
D.5: Is committed to ongoing development of individual learners’ abilities and continues to explore
different motivational strategies likely to encourage this development.
Standard #6: The teacher promotes and models effective communication. The teacher promotes effective verbal and nonverbal
communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster and engage active inquiry, collaboration, and
supportive interaction in the classroom, in the school, and in the community.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Recognizes the power of language for fostering self-expression, identity development, and learning.
D.2: Acknowledges and encourages the variety of ways in which learners communicate in the classroom.
D.3: Is a thoughtful and responsive listener.
D.4: Fosters culturally sensitive communication by and among all students in the class.
Standard #7: The teacher possesses knowledge of educational foundations and skill at instructional planning. The teacher
demonstrates knowledge of the purpose of education, the historical and philosophical frameworks for school and learning, and clearly
articulates a personal educational philosophy reflecting the purpose of education; the teacher organizes and plans systematic instruction
based upon knowledge of educational foundations, subject matter, learners, the community, and curricular goals or standards.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Values both long term and short term planning.
D.2: Adjusts and revises instruction plans based on student needs and changing circumstances.
D.3: Values planning as a collegial activity.
D.4: Commits to ongoing reflection of educational and philosophical foundations.
Standard #8: The teacher knows how to assess and evaluate student learning. The teacher understands and uses a variety of
formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical
development and advancement of the learner.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Values continuous assessment as essential to the instructional process.
D.2: Commits to utilizing assessment to ensure learner growth.
Standard #9: The teacher models Christian professional integrity. The teacher demonstrates the characteristics of a reflective
practitioner who continually evaluates effectiveness and strives for insight into current educational issues and programs, a commitment to
ethical and value-based performance, and a priority of personal growth and service to the field of education and in one’s faith life.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Values critical thinking and self-directed learning as habits of mind.
D.2: Is committed to reflection, assessment, and learning as a continuous process.
D.3: Is committed to differentiation to address learner needs.
D.4: Recognizes the professional and ethical responsibility for engaging in and supporting professional
practices to meet the needs of all students, colleagues, and self.
Standard #10: The teacher networks with educational professionals and the community. The teacher fosters positive
relationship with colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support learning and wellbeing; and acts with a Christian
attitude, integrity, fairness, and professionalism in an ethical manner.
Dispositional Indicators The teacher: E H A D U N/A
D.1: Values and appreciates the impact of life experiences that may affect the learner’s cognitive,
emotional, social, and physical development and wellbeing.
D.2: Consults with appropriate professionals regarding the education and wellbeing of the learner.
D.3: Respects the learner’s privacy and confidentiality of information
D.4: Embodies the qualities of a servant leader.