evised April 2016
Teacher Candidate Summative Assessment by Cooperating Teacher
Definition of Candidate Rating Descriptors (refer to the Rubric for Teacher Candidate for a detailed description)
Baseline – 0: the teacher candidate possesses the necessary knowledge but cannot apply or demonstrate the performance
Emerging – 1: the teacher candidate possesses the necessary knowledge and inconsistently
and somewhat effectively demonstrates the performance at the Emerging Level
Emerging – 2: the teacher candidate possesses the necessary knowledge and consistently and effectively demonstrates the performance at the Emerging Level
Developing – 3: the teacher candidate demonstrates consistently at the Emerging Level and is beginning to demonstrate at the Developing Level
Standard #1: Content Knowledge Aligned with Appropriate Instruction
1 - Inconsistent 2 – Consistent
1.1 Content Knowledge and Academic Language
1.2 Student Engagement in Subject Matter
Standard #2: Student Learning Growth and Development
1 - Inconsistent 2 – Consistent
2.4 Differentiated Lesson Design
Standard #3: Curriculum Implementation
1 - Inconsistent 2 – Consistent
3.1 Implementation of Curriculum Standards
3.2 Lessons for Diverse Learners