Name:_______________________________________________________ ID:____________________
Laramie County Community College • Student Planning & Success
Student Self-Assessment for Academic Probation/Suspension
e following self-assessment will help you to visualize your habits and consider actions that will help you
improve your academic standing.
A. Factors that aected my academic performance (check all that apply):
Did not aend class Did not complete course work/assignments
Too many courses Poor study environment
Dicules with course content Conict with instructor
Lack of interest in course material Learning issues
Did not study enough Did not take notes
Do not know how to study eecvely I never had to study in high school
Material was harder than I expected Uncomfortable classroom environment
Math skills English language skills
Reading skills Wring skills
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Felt overwhelmed Not sure about program of study/career
Diculty managing stress Alcohol/substance use
Homesickness/missing friends Family pressures
Easily distracted by friends or social acvies Issues with living situaon or roommate
Financial problems Medical/health issues
Lack of support from family/friends Movaon/procrasnaon
Gave up Not sure why I’m in school
Too many commitments Reluctance to seek assistance
Work too much Change in relaonship with someone special to me
Poor me management
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________
B. Student support services that I have used:
Advising Center Career Services
Tutoring Faculty oce hours/ Faculty assistance
Student Success Center Wring & Communicaons Center
Math Lab Sage Trio
Disability Support Services Counseling Center
Financial Aid Library
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________
C. Strategies I currently use to bring out my best performance:
Seek tutoring Balance my course load with other commitments
Parcipate in a study group Limit the number of hours that I work at a job
Aend all classes Schedule adequate amount of study me for courses
Complete all assignments and readings Limit the number of courses I take
Other: ____________________________________________________________________________________