Club / Association: _________________________________________________________
Event / Activity: ____________________________________________________________
Service provided: ___________________________________________________________
Complete the following table for each occasion services were provided.
(Dates must be itemised - per semester summary is not acceptable. If extra space is required, complete a new form)
Total Amount for payment: __________________________________________________
Are you a current Bond Student?
Yes - “I declare that this supply of services is made in the course of furtherance of an
activity done as a private recreational pursuit or hobby, and, is wholly of a private or
domestic nature from my perspective”
No - You must provide a tax invoice with ABN or complete a statement by supplier form
To be completed by student receiving payment for services provided:
Name: _________________________________ Phone: ___________________________
Signed: _________________________________ Date: _____________________________
“By signing I verify that the amount stated above was paid to me for services rendered as stated.”
To be completed by authorised club Executive:
Name: _________________________________ Phone: ___________________________
Signed: _________________________________ Date: _____________________________
“By signing I verify that the above amount was paid to the student listed for services rendered as stated.”
2. Email to Student Events Office
click to sign
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click to sign
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