Date sent to faculty Date returned from faculty
Core Subjects (if applicable)
Date sent to Core Executive Officer Date returned from Core Executive Officer
Number of Faculty/General electives approved Number of equivalent subjects approved
Faculty approver’s signature Name
Enrolments SBC:
Student advised of outcome, staff member signature Name Date
Enrolments SBC:
Student confirmed advanced standing, staff member signature Name Date
Enrolments SBC:
Entered onto study plan, staff member signature Name Date
Enrolments SBC:
Precedent set in Student System, staff member signature Name Date
If an international student, Compliance Officer SBC actioned record in PRISMs
Staff member signature Name Date
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Documents Required
The documentation required to assess an application for advanced standing, is as follows:
1. Completed advanced standing application form.
2. Certified copy of the transcript where the studies were taken, a grading scale and any other supporting documents that may be appropriate.
For example, an explanation of the grading system used if this is not included on the transcript.
3. (a) A copy of all approved subject outlines for the year in which the subjects were successfully completed.
(b) If subject outlines do not include the following information, it should be supplied separately:
i. A detailed list of weekly topics covered in the subject;
ii. The size and duration of the subject (e.g. three hours / week for 15 weeks);
iii. The prescribed textbook and recommended readings;
iv. the assessment requirements for the subject.
If the subject outlines are in a different language to English than they must be translated by an official translator to verify authenticity.
Both the translated copy and the foreign language copy are to be submitted with the application.
4. Commonwealth Assistance Notice. We also require a copy of your commonwealth assistance notice from your previous institution, before we can apply
your credit in order to confirm the amount of HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP you may have previously consumed and whether you have reached your limit.
lease refer to the University website for more information on certified copies and / or authorised translations (bond.edu.au/certified-copy).
Further Information
It will be at the discretion of the Dean (or delegate) of the Faculty of enrolment to determine whether advanced standing will be approved in recognition of
the subjects previously completed regardless of when subjects were completed.
Advice in writing of the result of advanced standing will be forwarded via email. Applicants are required to confirm acceptance of the advanced standing
within five working days via return email.
International students please be aware that the CoE (Confirmation of Enrolment), that you were originally issued, will be adjusted accordingly due to the
amount of advanced standing you are awarded.
Subjects approved for advanced standing will be recorded as such on the Bond University transcript and no grade will be recorded. If you are intending to
study subject/s at another University, Cross Institutional Studies, and then seeking to have those subject/s approved as academic credit (count towards your
Bond degree), you must first seek approval from the Student Business Centre. Please note that there are also limits on how much you can study at
another University which will count towards your Bond Degree. For regulations please go to bond.edu.au/handbook specifically specifically Part 1 - Award
Regulations, Division 1 - General Award Regulations, 13 Cross Institutional Studies and Part 2 Division 3 - Enrolment , 24. Approval to Enrol in Subjects at
Other Institutions.
insert faculty name insert faculty name