Important Information - please read before proceeding
Verication of Qualication Request Form
Student details
(Mr, Miss, Mrs etc ) Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Gender
Given Name
Family Name
Program Name (eg. Bachelor of Business)
Student Number (SID) - Leave blank if unknown
Purpose of this form
Use this form to request:
• Conrmationofprogramcompletion
• Vericationofacademicqualicationsawardedby Bond University
Students must authorise all requests by completing Section 4 of this form.
Thereisacharge of A$20 per program. Additional copies cost A$10.
Online verication of qualications
Youcanverifysomequalicationsatno charge via our Verification of Qualifications resource, found on the Bond University website.
Thisonlinefacilityallowsyoutosearchourdatabaseforgraduates with a matching surname, date of birth and given name (optional).
A successful search will confirm the graduate's qualification and the date of conferral. No other information can be released without
Records which are not available online
The University is unable to provide the free online service if the student has completed program requirements but an award has not
yet been conferred. In these instances, verification can only be obtained by completing and lodging this form.
Circumstances where documents cannot be issued
Qualification Verification documents will not be supplied if:
• The student account contains sanctions. For a letter to be produced, sanctions must be cleared by the student.
• The identity of the student requesting the record cannot be clearly established.
If you wish to cancel your request, all refunds incur an administration fee of $A10. A full refund will only be granted if a Bond
University error has occured.
The verification letter is written for one specifiic Program* and includes:
• Language of Instruction
• Qualification Title
• Conferral Date (if applicable)
• Honours Level (if awarded)
*if you require a letter for an additional program an extra charge will apply.