Customer Number (assigned w/ Emp kit)
Mailing address
Shipping address (if different)
Day phone
Eve phone
1. Kit prices are prices in effect the day order is received.
2. A 25% deposit must accompany kit orders.
3. Customer-instigated delays may result in price increas-
4. Kits must be paid in full before they can be shipped.
5. $500.00 non-refundable if order is cancelled.
6. Payment in U.S. funds: check, money order, or Visa/
7. Kit/plans orders must be in writing (mail, email or FAX).
8. Prices are ex-works Aurora, Oregon.
9. Freight charges are prepaid or collect, depending on
10. Vans Aircraft, Inc. cannot assist in certifying kits out-
side the USA.
11. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Do not submit Credit Card information via email! If you plan to email your order form to Vans and pay with a credit card, please omit any credit
card information from the form and either call us with your CC# or use Vans Webstore to make a secure online payment.
FUSELAGE KIT (select and enter one) RV-6 $7,025.00 (or) RV-6A $7200.00
CANOPY CHOICE (select one) Sliding Canopy / Tip-up Canopy
Fuselage Options (from reverse side of form)
FINISHING KIT If you are NOT taking advantage of Vans special OEM pricing on new Lycoming engines, and are obtaining an engine from another
source, you must use the Special Finishing Kit order form. Use Standard Kit Form to order a Finishing Kit ONLY if you are purchasing a new engine from Vans.
(select and enter one) RV-6 $7,395.00 (or) RV-6A $7495.00
Spinner type required (select one)
Hartzell constant-speed Sensenich fixed-pitch Wood fixed-pitch None ($120.00 credit)
Engine type (select one)
O-320-D1A/D2G IO-320-D1A O-360-A1A IO-360-M1B
Sliding Canopy
TOTAL CRATING CHARGE (if using fillable form leave blank)
TOTAL ORDER (if using fillable form leave blank)
METHOD OF PAYMENT (if credit card, enter number/exp. date)
AMOUNT ENCLOSED (25% minimum deposit required)
Authorization to use Credit Card for Final Payment Yes No (select one)
Customer Number of Previously Completed/Flown RV: ___________________
E-Mail to: kits@vansaircraft.com
Some optional kits are best installed during construction are shown here. See Vans Accessories Catalog for more choices. Enter the amount for the
option in the box on the right. Add the total for each airframe kit and enter the amount on the front of the form.
Circle the crating charges that apply, total, and enter the amount on the front of the form.
Name: _________________________ Date: _____________ Customer Number: ______________
ELECTRIC FLAPS Fast acting motor eliminates flap handle between the seats. More convenient, provides infinite settings.
EXTERNAL STEP KIT: Eases the big step up to the wing. Installed on both sides.
DUAL BRAKE KIT: Includes master cylinders, brake pedals and hardware necessary to install brakes for the second seat.
STATIC AIR KIT: Includes static ports and lines to the instrument panel.
ELECTRIC ELEVATOR TRIM CREDIT: If you ordered electric elevator trim with your empennage, you wont need the
manual trim cable. Subtract the cost from the kit price.
Credit -$85.00
MANUAL AILERON TRIM: Simple, light and effective spring bias system trims the roll axis. Inexpensive, too.
ELECTRIC AILERON TRIM: Includes servo motor, panel mount rocker switch and all hardware. May also be wired to china
hatswitch sold separately.
QuickBuild 6/6A Fuselage is no longer available
TOTAL: ENTER ON FRONT OF FORM. (if using fillable form leave blank)
CRATING CHARGES (these are NOT shipping charges)
Empennage Wing QuickBuild Wing Fuselage QuickBuild Fuse Finishing
N/A N/A N/A $90.00 N/A $90.00
TOTAL CRATING CHARGES: ENTER ON FRONT OF FORM. (if using fillable form leave blank)