PROPERTY: ______________________________________
Instructions: Please complete ALL sections of this application. ALL adult household members must
complete a separate application. Submitting duplicate copies will be cause for rejection of all applicants.
With respect to the treatment of applicants, the Management Agent will not discriminate against any individual
or family because of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin or ancestry, religion, sex, sexual preference,
gender identity, age, disability, handicap, military status, source of income, marital status or familial status,
acquired immune deficien
cy syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS-related conditions (ARC), or any other arbitrary basis.
General Information
What size unit are you applying for: # Bedroom(s) _________________
Do you require
that your apartment be designed for the disabled. __YES __NO
Please explain type of unit needed:
3. Do you own any pets? _____YES _____NO
4. How did
you hear about us? ___Online ___Friend ___Drive By ___Other
List ALL household members that are applying to live in the unit.
First, Middle Initial, Last
Relationship to
Head of
Street Number City State Zip
From: _____________________ To: ______________________
Daytime Phone: ______________________
Evening Phone: ______________________
Email Address:
YES ___ NO___
1. Do you expect any additions to the household within the next 12 months?
Name & Relationship:
YES ___ NO___
2. Is there anyone living with you now who won’t be living with you at this property?
Name & Relationship:
YES___ NO___
3. Are there any absent household members who under normal conditions would
live with you
(For example, a household member away in the military.)
Date App. Recv’d: _____________
Received By:___________________
1 | P a ge
Rev: August 2019
YES___ NO___ 4. Are there any Veterans living in your household? If Yes, which branch of
service: USA_____ USAF______ USMC_____ USN_____