Additional Cardholder Request Form
Member No.:_______________________ E-mail:____________________________
Social Security No.: _________________
Home Phone No.: ___________________ Cell Phone No.: _____________________
**** Please PRINT all information, except signature(s) ****
Cardholder's Name (first/middle/last)
Credit Card Number(last 4 digits)
Present Mailing Address (street address, city, state, country, postal code)
**Please Check if this is a New address
Additional Cardholder's Name (first/middle/last)
Additional Cardholder’s Signature
By signing below, I attest that I am currently a holder of a Bank-Fund Staff Federal Credit Union credit
card, and request that an additional card be issued on my account to the individual listed above. I
understand that the additional card will be subject to the terms of the CREDIT CARD AGREEMENT AND
DISCLOSURE, and I accept full liability for all charges to (and cash advances from) any card (including
additional cards) issued on my BFSFCU Visa Platinum, Visa Platinum Travel Rewards, or MasterCard Gold
account. I have asked the Additional Cardholder to provide you with his/her signature for identification
Rev 02/2012