The Writing Process
The first step to writing on the AIR ELA Assessment is to read the
passages that serve as a stimulus for the writing task and to take notes
based on the __________________.
When you plan your writing, you will first need to decide your thesis, or
a statement of your __________________ __________________. The
thesis is a __________________ for the rest of the essay.
One way to organize is to create an outline that clearly and briefly
describes what you plan to include in the different _____________ of
your essay.
o When you develop an outline or any other type of plan for your
writing, you _________ _________ have to write in complete
In the drafting stage of writing, you form all of your ideas as well-
constructed __________________ and __________________ with your
audience and purpose in mind.
Revising is the writing stage where you look for ways to improve the
__________________, structure, __________________, and language.
Transitions are signposts that help show your reader where you are
__________________ and where you have __________________.
o Common transitions include: for example, but, although, however,
as a result, first, and finally.
Editing your writing involves checking for correct __________________,
spelling, __________________, and capitalization.
When you publish your AIR ELA writing, you complete your essay and
turn it in for __________________.
A rubric is a scoring guide used to __________________ the quality of
students' constructed responses.
Grammar Lesson 1: Subjects & Predicates
A subject is __________________ or __________________ the
sentence is about (the thing or person doing the action)
A predicate is __________________ the subject does
A group of words that is missing either a subject or a predicate
__________________ be a sentence
Okay, I've got it,
I choose...
Formal Language & Transitions
When you are writing for academic and work purposes, use
formal language, which avoids _____________,
_____________, and nonstandard grammar.
Maintain an objective tone, as well, which is straightforward,
_____________, and unbiased.
Transitions are words or phrases that _____________ the
reader from one idea to the next. They help a reader see the
_____________ or relationship between ideas and, just as
important, transitions also prevent sudden, jarring mental
leaps between sentences and paragraphs.
An independent clause contains a _____________ and a
_____________ and can stand alone as a complete thought.
A complete sentence must contain at least _____________
independent clause.
Name _____________________________
Directions: Underline the independent clause or clauses in each sentence.
1. Linda wants to write a novel, but she is afraid to try.
2. Because I don’t know how to do my math homework, I need to call Jim for help.
3. I am saving my money because I want to buy a new iPad.
4. I can’t get my phone to charge, so I must need a new battery.
5. I had rather jog in the morning, but I usually have to jog in the late afternoon.
6. When I arrived, Jimmy was surprised to see me.
7. Nobody knows the answer to that question.
8. I can’t find the remote, and I am too lazy to get up and change the channel.
9. My mother cooks very good fried chicken, but I prefer it to be baked.
10. Cindy loves to read.
11. Although we were late, we decided to watch the movie anyway.
12. I forgot most of the groceries I needed because I forgot my list.
13. While Billy made the salad, Cindy made the spaghetti sauce.
14. If you want to ride with Larry and Mel, you need to let them know.
15. Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day because I am going to the beach.
The Independent Clause
A main clause that expresses a complete thought.
Can stand alone as a sentence.
Sammy likes to eat pizza.
Jimmy plays baseball
, but Joe plays basketball.
Mindy is in trouble
because she is late.
Since I was late for school, I had to go to the office
Textual Evidence & I.C.E.
When we have ideas about what we read, we need to cite
Explicit Textual Evidence to _____________ our ideas.
When we read, we often are asked to answer questions or
express our ideas about the text. In order to let people know
we aren’t _____________ _____________ _____________,
we should use Explicit Textual Evidence to support our
opinions or answers.
In real life, people who can back up an opinion about a text
with Explicit Textual Evidence are taken more
_____________ than people who can only give a reason of
“just because.”
On the AIR Assessment you will be asked to write a multi-
paragraph response to a prompt. In order to _____________
that you _____________ both the prompt and the passages,
you will need to include Explicit Textual Evidence to support
our ideas in your writing.
So, what does Explicit Textual Evidence mean?
o The name really says it all.
Explicit = _____________ _____________
Textual = from the _____________
Evidence = that _____________ for your answer, opinion, or
To paraphrase is to express the meaning of (the writer or
speaker or something written or spoken) using
_____________ words.
To directly quote means that you reproduce the words of
another writer _____________ and is displayed in quotation
I.C.E. = INTRODUCE, _____________ _____________
INTRODUCE: Introduce all your _____________ using
introductory phrases.
CITE: Provide appropriate _____________ citations for all
quotes and paraphrases.
EXPLAIN: Make sure to explain your quotes. Provide
_____________ that ties them back to your main idea / topic
sentence. In other words, _____________ on the evidence in
order to incorporate it into the essay you’re writing.
A simple sentence contains only one _____________ clause.
A compound sentence contains _____________ independent
Two independent clauses can be _____________ using either
a comma and a coordinating conjunction or a semi-colon.
CCSS.L.3.1.I |©
Name________________________________________________ Date_________________________________
1. Thehouseisnearthemountain._________
2. Ilikeeggs,andmymotherlikeschicken.___________
3. NickandJennaareathome.___________
4. Themanliftedthebox,butitwasempty.
5. Ihavethreesisters,butIdonothaveanybrothers.________
6. Mr.Smithdidnottakehiscar,andhewaslatetotheparty.______
7. Iwillbegoingtothefootballgame,orIwillbegoingho
Reading Informational Texts: Articles
Nonfiction writing is _________________ writing about real people,
places, events, ideas, and things.
Informational text is a type of nonfiction writing, written with the
purpose of _________________ the reader about a specific topic.
The central idea is the most _________________ point or points that
the author wants to convey about a topic.
o The author develops the central idea with supporting details such as
_________________, reasons, examples, statistics, and
The text introduction is a short piece of text that provides the reader
the with _________________ _________________ needed to
understand the passage.
o It is essential to read the text introduction because it will provide
_________________ for the rest of the passage- the reader will
not be able to understand the passage fully without reading it.
A reference mark tells the reader that there is a _________________
at the bottom of the page.
A footnote is a note at the bottom of a page in a text which provides
more _________________ information about something that is
mentioned on that page.
The author’s main purpose is the _________________ he or she wrote
this article.
Context clues are _________________ that an author gives to help
define a difficult or unusual word.
o The clue may appear within the same _________________ as the
word to which it refers, or it may appear somewhere else in the
Semicolons and Colons
Use a colon to introduce _________________, if there is a complete
sentence before the list begins. The period goes after the list.
Do not use a colon following a _________________ or
Use a colon to introduce material that _________________ or
Use a colon between the _________________ and _________________
of the time, between the chapter and verse of biblical references, and
after the salutation of a business letter.
Use semicolons to separate main _________________ that are not
joined by the coordinating conjunctions and, or, for, nor, so, but, yet. The
second clause must be a continuing thought of the prior.
Use a semicolon to separate main clauses that are joined by
_________________ such as however, therefore, nevertheless,
moreover, furthermore, and consequently and expression such as for
example or that is.
Name ________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________
Using Semicolons and Colons
Semicolons between independent clauses
Identify the two independent clauses in each sentence. Then, add the semicolon where it is
1. Jamie was on time Carrie was late.
2. Some reptiles like a dry climate others prefer a wet climate.
3. My parents’ anniversary is next week we are throwing a party for them.
Semicolons between independent clauses
Add semicolons where they are needed in the following sentences.
1. Janet brought the paint as a result, she started working before we did.
2. We planned to go to Miami however, our flight was canceled.
3. Kevin will play the bass drum in the concert in addition, he will play the symbols.
Colons before lists of items
Add colons where they are needed in the following sentences. If a sentence is already
correct, label it C.
1. At the party I saw four of my close friends Keith, Jan, Julio, and Hank.
2. At the picnic we had chicken, salad, corn, and rolls.
3. Please bring the following safety equipment knee pads, elbow pads, and helmet.
Name ________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________
Using Semicolons and Colons
Conventional uses of colons
Add colons where they are needed in the following sentences.
1. The first bell rings at 8 10, and the second bell rings at 8 30.
2. The longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8 9.
3. I began the letter “Dear Mr. Benson I was happy with the service at your bike shop.”
Argumentative Texts
An argumentative text is a writing piece meant to _________________
someone to think the way the author does.
A claim is an _________________ statement—an idea that the author
asks an audience to _________________.
In an argumentative text, the claim is the _________________
Reasons are more specific _________________ that support the
overall claim.
Evidence is a series _________________, examples,
_________________, and quotes that support the reasons and
ultimately the claim.
The author’s point-of-view is his or her _________________ on that
topic or subject.
A subordinate clause contains a subject and a predicate but
_________________ stand alone as a complete thought.
Subordinate clauses can _________________ with a subordinating
conjunction OR a relative pronoun.
Subordinate clauses and dependent clauses are the
_________________ _________________.
Subordinating conjunction
o A subordinating conjunction is used to _________________ a
subordinate clause (also known as a dependent clause) to the
main clause (also known as an independent clause).
Relative pronoun
o A relative pronoun comes after a noun to help to identify
_________________ person or thing we are talking about or to tell
us some more information about a person or thing.
That, Which, Who, Whom, Whose
Name_____________ ________________________________Date________________________ ___
Exercise Identifytheunderlinedclauseineachofthefollowingsentences.
Example: Becauseourschoolthrowsawaysomuchpaper
3.Ifourteachersrecycledinth eirclassrooms
8.Althoughyoumayonlythinkofrecycling paper,manyotheritemscanberecycled
9.Somecommunitiesrecycle glass andplastic
Argumentative Essays
When you write an argumentative essay, you develop an
_________________ _________________ - just like the one we studied in
the previous unit.
o Your goal is to _________________ someone to think the way you
An argumentative text is a writing piece meant to _________________
someone to think the way the author does.
A claim is an _________________ statement—an idea that the author
asks an audience to _________________.
In an argumentative text, the claim is the _________________
In your argumentative essay, the claim will be your _________________.
A thesis is a statement of your _________________
Reasons are more specific _________________ that support the overall
Evidence is a series _________________, examples,
_________________, and quotes that support the reasons and ultimately
the claim.
Your reasons will become the _________________ for your body
Your evidence will come directly from the _________________ you are
assigned to read in the form of explicit textual evidence (direct quotes or
A good argument includes information about the opposing argument, in
which an author _________________ that there is a view different from his
or her own.
However, the author will then provide a strong rebuttal, or
counterargument, to _________________ it, effectively
_________________ it with support for his or her own claim.
A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one _________________
clause and one or more _________________ clauses.
A compound-complex sentence contains _________________ or more
independent clauses and _________________ or more dependent clauses.
Sentence Types:
Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex
Simple Sentences
- A simple sentence contains a subject and a verb.
- It expresses a single complete thought that can stand on its own.
1. The baby cried for food.
^There is a subject and a verb that expresses a complete thought.
2. Professor Maple’s intelligent students completed and turned in their homework.
^ A simple sentence does not necessarily have to be short. It can have adjectives. In this case,
there are two verbs “completed” and “turned in.” However, the sentence expresses one
complete thought and therefore is a simple sentence.
3. Megan and Ron ate too much and felt sick.
^Although there are two subjects and two verbs, it is still a simple sentence because both
verbs share the same subjects and express one complete thought.
Compound Sentences
- A compound sentence has two independent clauses. An independent clause is a part of a
sentence that can stand alone because it contains a subject and a verb and expresses a
complete thought.
- Basically, a compound contains two simple sentences.
- These independent clauses are joined by a conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
1. The shoplifter had stolen clothes, so he ran once he saw the police.
^Both sides of the conjunction “so” are complete sentences. “The shoplifter had stolen clothes”
can stand alone and so can “he ran once he saw the police.” Therefore, this is a compound
2. They spoke to him in Spanish, but he responded in English.
^This is also a compound sentence that uses a conjunction to separate two individual clauses.
Complex Sentences
- A complex sentence is an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses. A
dependent clause either lacks a subject or a verb or has both a subject and a verb that does
not express a complete thought.
- A complex sentence always has a subordinator (as, because, since, after, although, when) or
relative pronouns (who, that, which).
1. After eating lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, Tim went to the gym to exercise.
^ The independent clause is ‘Tim went to the gym to exercise.” The subordinating clause before
it is dependent on the main, independent clause. If one were to say “after eating lunch at The
Cheesecake Factory,” it would be an incomplete thought.
2. Opinionated women are given disadvantages in societies that privilege male
^ The subject is “opinionated women” and the verb is “are given.” The first part of the sentence
“opinionated women are given disadvantages in societies” is an independent clause that
expresses a complete thought. The following “that privilege male accomplishments” is a relative
clause that describes which types of societies.
3. The woman who taught Art History 210 was fired for stealing school supplies.
^ The dependent clause in this sentence is “who taught Art History 210” because if removed, the
rest of the sentence would stand as an independent clause. “Who taught Art History 210” is an
adjective clause that provides necessary details about the subject, woman.
Compound-Complex Sentences
- A compound-complex sentence has two independent clauses and at least one dependent
1. After the two soccer players lost their game, they joined their other teammates for
lunch, and they went to the movies.
^ If we remove the dependent clause “after the two soccer players lost their game,” we have a
compound sentence. The dependent clause makes this sentence compound-complex.
2. The man believed in the system, and he knew that justice would prevail after the
murderer was sent to jail
Identify whether the sentences are simple, complex, compound or compound-complex. Please
underline dependent clauses where it applies.
1. Vampires Dairies is my favorite television show, but I also love True Blood.
2. The student wiped the white board that was filthy with last week’s notes.
3. The trendy fashion designer released her new line on Wednesday.
4. Trina and Hareem went to a bar in Hollywood to celebrate their anniversary.
5. Wicked Regina cast a spell on the entire city, so the citizens decided to rebel.
6. While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to Home Depot, and Martin organized the
kitchen appliances.
7. After listening to the Kanye West CD, I have new respect for his music.
8. After the teacher chose groups, John and Sara were selected as partners for a project, yet
Sarah did most of the work.
Argumentative Essay- Note-Taking & Thesis Development
The first step of any writing process is note-taking.
Note-taking is the practice of _________________ information from
another source.
o By taking notes, the writer can record the _________________ of
the information, freeing his or her mind from having to recall
It is important to take EFFICIENT notes for an essay on the AIR
Assessment, because we don’t have all the time in the world!
o When taking notes for your essay, be sure to take notes based only
on the _________________.
You will need to write down as many notes as you can FOR and AGAINST
the issue. These notes can be in the form of a quotation or paraphrase.
o quotation: A quotation supports your thesis using the
_________________ _________________ from the original text.
o paraphrase: Paraphrasing is putting someone else’s words into your
_________________ _________________. It is useful when you
need less detail than a direct quote. A paraphrase focuses briefly on
a single main idea.
Once you have read the texts and taken notes based on the prompt, you
have enough knowledge to develop a claim which will also serve as your
_________________ _________________ for your essay.
A thesis is a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be
maintained or proved. Your thesis will become the controlling idea of your
entire essay.
A conjunction _________________ words or groups of words in a
o There are three types of conjunctions:
Coordinating Conjunctions- Connect words, phrases, or
clauses that are _________________ or ________________
and, but, or, so, for, yet, and not (FANBOYS)
Correlative Conjunctions- Used in _________________
both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not only/but also
Subordinating Conjunctions- Used at the
_________________ of subordinate clauses
although, after, as, as long as, before, because, how, if,
once, since, so that, than, though, until, unless, when,
while, where, whether, whenever, etc.
Argumentative Essay- Introduction
o An introduction is the ________________________ of an essay
or speech, which typically identifies the topic, arouses
interest, and prepares the audience for the development of
the thesis. It can also be called an ________________________,
a lead, or an introductory paragraph.
The introduction will contain the following three things:
o Hook
o Background information
o ________________________
o A hook is a statement meant to grab the reader’s
Background Information
o The background information is a ________________________ is
a summary of the issue. It describes the argument and
explains why it is important. This is where you highlight the
necessary information that someone who isn’t familiar with
the issue would need to know in order for your paper to
make sense. Keep it brief.
o A thesis is a ________________________ or theory that is put
forward as a premise to be maintained or proved. Your
thesis will become the controlling idea of your entire essay.
In an argument, your thesis is a claim- an arguable
You can think of your introduction like an upside down
________________________. It starts out very
________________________ and becomes more and more specific.
Voice is the form a verb takes to indicate whether the subject of the verb
_________________ or _________________ the action. There are two
types of voice: active voice and passive voice.
Active voice is used to show that the subject of the sentence is
_________________ or _________________ the action.
o Lebron threw the basketball before the buzzer.
Passive voice is used when the subject is the _________________ of the
action. The passive voice requires a "double verb" and will always consist
of a form of the verb "to be" and the past participle (usually the "en/ed/t"
form) of another verb. Review the forms of "to be”: am, is, are, was, were,
be, being, been
o The ball was thrown by Lebron.
Argumentative Essay- Body Paragraphs
The body is the part of an essay, report, or speech that explains and
________________________ the thesis or main idea.
o Body paragraphs come after the ________________________
and before the conclusion. The body is usually the
________________________ part of an essay, and each body
paragraph may begin with a topic sentence.
A topic sentence is a sentence, generally at the beginning of a
paragraph, that states or suggests the main idea (or topic) of a
o In an argument, the topic sentence will be a
________________________. Remember from unit 5: Reasons
are more specific statements that support the overall claim.
The textual evidence is evidence/support used to support an
argument/position, and is taken from another
________________________. It is provided in the form of quotation or
o quotation: A quotation supports your thesis using the
________________________ ________________________ from
the original text.
o paraphrase: Paraphrasing is putting someone else’s words into
your ________________________ ________________________.
It is useful when you need more detail than a summary but less
than a direct quote. A paraphrase focuses concisely on a single
main idea.
A wrap-up sentence is a statement that connects the paragraph back to
the ________________________. How does this whole paragraph
support the thesis and tie back to the prompt?
Parallel structure is an important element of proper writing. Words,
phrases and clauses should all be parallel when linked together in a
series or connected with coordinating conjunctions.
o Meaning, whenever you include a list of actions or items, you must
use ________________________ grammatical units. If the first
item is a ________________________, then the following items
must also be ________________________; if the first action is a
simple past tense verb, then make the other items simple past
tense verbs as well.
AIR ELAII: Unit 10
Addressing an Opposing Argument
A good argument includes information about the opposing argument, in which an
author _________________ that there is a view different from his or her own.
However, the author will then provide a strong rebuttal, or counterargument, to
_________________ it, effectively _________________ it with support for his or her
own claim.
A preposition is a word that _________________ two phrases or ideas
in a sentence.
Prepositions are used to specify when, where, how, and why.
A simple prepositional phrase includes a preposition and its
_________________, which can be a single word or a group of words
expressing a single idea.
The purpose of using a prepositional phrase is to provide
_________________ information about a noun, verb, adjective, or
AIR ELAII: Unit 11
The Conclusion
The conclusion is the paragraph that bring a speech, essay, report, or book to a
_________________ and _________________ end. It is also called the concluding
paragraph or closing.
The conclusion will contain the following:
1. Restate claim/thesis in a _________________ way
2. Why does it _________________?
3. _________________ Ending
Restate the claim/thesis from your introduction in _________________ words. If you
just copy-and-paste the exact thesis, you will sound like a _________________.
Instead, use new words to state the same idea.
One successful formula for this:
o When one considers (body #1 reason) and (body #2 reason), it becomes
clear that...
Why does it matter? Leave behind the issue and explain the _________________
_________________ why the reader should care.
Snappy Ending The last sentence should leave the reader _________________ in
agreement and feeling _________________ he/she bothered to read your essay.
Stuck? Use a hook strategy.
You can think of your conclusion like a triangle. It starts out very
_________________ and becomes more and more _________________.
An appositive is a noun or noun phrase (appositive phrase) that gives another
_________________ to the noun right next to it.
It adds _________________ words about a specific thing (the noun), which helps
make a sentence more detailed; or, it adds essential information to make the
sentence’s meaning clear.
An appositive noun or phrase can come _________________ or
_________________ the main noun.
It can be at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence, as long as it is right
_________________ to the noun it describes.
Name: ______________________ Class Period: ______
Part I: Identify and underline the appositive found in each sentence.
1. The monkey, a nimble animal, is often found in the jungle.
2. Dave Lewis, a teacher at Lawson, works with many aspiring musicians.
3. Before you trash BoBo, your last childhood stuffed animal, consider saving it.
4. The coast of Africa, one of the world's largest continents, is a prosperous trading region.
5. Mr. Sonntag hired two new teachers, Mr. Davies and Ms. Parker.
6. The fastest animal, the peregrine falcon, can travel more than 100 miles per hour at certain times.
7. Our family visited The Smithsonian Institution, a vast network of galleries in Washington, D.C.
8. Our neighbor and his daughters, Parvi and Sonya, take walks every evening.
9. The giant plane, a Boeing 747, launched into the air.
10. The flashlight should be returned to Mark, the owner.
Part II. Rewrite the following sentences, adding appositive phrases as specified in parenthesis. Punctuate the
appositive phrases used and underline them. (Note: You can add appositives after any noun in the sentence.)
Example: The girls went to the park. (Begin your appositive with a negation.)
Answers: The girls, not the boys, went to the park.
The girls went to the park, not the museum.
11. Tom turned the car to the left. (Begin your appositive with a negation.)
12. The smugglers took the contaminated fish to market. (Begin your appositive with the word “fish.”)
13. The pilot ate his dessert while he was piloting the plane. (Begin your appositive with the pronoun
14. The students entered the talent show. (Begin your appositive with the connective word “especially.”)
15. The woman drank tea before sleeping. (Begin your appositive with the word “tea.”)
16. The boys choose to go watch action movies. (Begin your appositive with the negation “never.”)
17. Doughnuts are often high in fat. (Begin your appositive with the pronoun “the kind.”)
18. The dinner was given by the people at the church. (Begin your appositive with the connective “mainly.”)
Part III. Directions -
x Write three sentences including appositives or appositive phrases:
1) One sentence with an appositive beginning the sentence.
2) One sentence with an appositive interrupting the sentence.
3) One sentence with an appositive ending the sentence.
x Highlight the word (noun) that is renamed by the appositive or appositive phrase.
x Underline the entire appositive phrase or appositive.
x Be sure to include necessary and proper punctuation.
19. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
20. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
21. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Part IV. Combine the following sentences using appositive phrases. Punctuate and underline the
appositives that are used.
22. A. The California coastline is the longest of all the states.
B. The California coastline is a national treasure.
23. A. The sick elephant attacked its trainer.
B. The sick elephant is the one in the third cage.
24. A. The careless man shot a condor.
B. The condor is the rarest bird in California.
25. A. The basketball players make millions of dollars a year.
B. Kobe makes millions of dollars a year. (Hint: Use a connective word.)
C. Shaq makes millions of dollars a year.
AIR ELAII: Unit 12
During drafting, the writer puts his or her ideas into
_________________ thoughts, such as sentences and paragraphs. The
writer _________________ his ideas in a way that allows the reader to
understand his message.
Transitions are words and phrases that provide a _________________
between ideas, sentences, and paragraphs. Transitions help to make a
piece of writing flow better. They can turn _________________ pieces of
ideas into a unified whole, and prevent a reader from getting lost.
o Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of
the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationship among
complex ideas and concepts.
Good writers make sure to I.C.E.
(_________________,_________________, and _________________)
quotes and paraphrases used as evidence.
INTRODUCE: Introduce all your quotes using introductory phrases. Here
are some examples:
CITE: Provide appropriate parenthetical citations for all
_________________ and _________________ (but not summaries).
EXPLAIN: Make sure to explain your quotes. Provide
_________________ that ties them back to your main idea / topic
sentence. In other words, comment on the evidence in order to
incorporate it into the argument you’re making.
A formal tone helps establish the writer's _________________ for the
audience and suggests that the writer is serious about his or her topic. It
is the kind of tone that educated people use when communicating with
other educated people. Most academic writing uses a formal tone.
o Complex_________________ sentences are likely to be more
prevalent in formal writing. You need to be as thorough as possible
with your approach to each topic when you are using a formal style.
Each main point needs to be introduced, elaborated and concluded.
o Objective – State main points _________________ and offer full
support for ideas. A formal writing style shows a limited range of
emotions and avoids emotional punctuation such as exclamation
points, ellipsis, etc., unless they are being cited from another
o Full Words No _________________ should be used to simplify
words (in other words use "It is" rather than "It's"). Abbreviations
must be spelled out in full when first used.
o Third Person – Formal writing is not a personal writing style. The
formal writer is disconnected from the topic and does not use the
_________________ person point of view (I or we) or second
person (you).
A participial phrase is a phrase that looks like a _________________,
but actually functions as an _________________; it modifies a noun in
the same sentence.
Misplaced Modifiers
o In a clear, logical sentence, you will find most modifiers right
_________________ to the words they _________________.
o If too much _________________ separates a modifier and its
target, the modifier is a misplaced modifier:
Dangling Modifiers
o If the sentence fails to include a _________________, the modifier
is a dangling modifier (missing a target).
AIR ELAII: Unit 13
The Finishing Touches
The title is usually the _________________ thing you add to your
The main purpose of the essay title is to tell the audience or readers
what the written work is _________________ and catch the reader’s
Proofreading is the process of _________________ and
_________________ spelling, grammar, punctuation and formatting
Proofreading is the _________________ step in your writing process.
A rubric is a clear set of _________________ for students' work that
includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria.
A scoring rubric is an attempt to explain _________________ for your
Sentence fragments are groups of words that _________________ like
sentences, but aren't.
To be a complete sentence, groups of words need to have at least one
_________________ clause.
o An independent clause is any group of words that contain both a
_________________ and a _________________ and can stand
on its own. For example, 'I like cheeseburgers' is an independent
Sentence fragments never have independent clauses, but instead are
_________________ clauses or phrases.
Fragments can _________________ as real sentences because they
begin with a capital letter and end with a period. If you read them more
closely, you'll see that fragments don't form a complete thought.
A sentence fragment is a little like having only _________________ of
the pieces to a puzzle. Without all the pieces, you won't have the whole
Name ________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________
Correcting Sentence Fragments
What is a sentence fragment?
Identify which of the following are sentence fragments. Be prepared to explain your
1. Took our telescope with us.
2. Mr. Yang a perfect clearing on the mountain.
3. We watched the meteor shower from there.
4. Because the sky was clear that night.
How to fix a sentence fragment
Determine what part is missing from each sentence fragment below. If the subject is
missing, write S. If the verb is missing, write V. Then change the fragment into a complete
sentence by adding the missing part.
_____ 1. Play in the yard every day.
_____ 2. The rain from the edge of the roof.
_____ 3. Waited at the bus stop for an hour.
_____ 4. The dog happily the ball.
Name ________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________
Correcting Sentence Fragments
How to fix a sentence fragment
Each item contains one fragment and one complete sentence. Label the fragment F and the
complete sentence C. Then combine the two to make one complete sentence.
1. ___ If you receive a gift.
___ You should send a thank-you note.
2. ___ My father is energetic.
___ Because he eats healthful foods.
3. ___ Before I brought the puppy home.
___ I bought a dog bed and some food.
AIR ELAII: Unit 14
Historical Texts
Historical texts are informational texts that tell about people and events
from the _________________.
o They can inform, persuade, or both. In addition to letters and
newspaper stories, they also include speeches and government
A speech is a formal address that offers information from the speaker’s
particular _________________ of _________________.
o Speeches often try to persuade the listener to think or act in a
certain way, inform the listener of pertinent information, and/or
provide reassurance (comfort).
o Proper diction, or _________________ _________________, is
all about choosing the right words in a speech. A writer's word
choice should be accurate, appropriate, and understandable.
A government document is _________________ material created by a
government agency. These types of documents include forms, reports,
court rulings, the Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of
Independence, laws, treaties, and speeches by leaders.
Rhetoric is a technique of using language _________________ and
persuasively in spoken or written form.
Rhetorical figures or devices are employed to achieve particular
_________________ and _________________.
o Parallelism: Parallelism is the use of components in a sentence
that are _________________ the same; or similar in their
construction, sound, meaning, or meter.
o Repetition: Repetition is a rhetorical device that
_________________ the same words or _________________ a
few times to make an idea clearer and more memorable.
A primary source is a record, artifacts, or object that was written or
created by someone who _________________ or _________________
_________________ in an event. These sources are usually created
soon after the experience and are firsthand accounts, so they offer an
inside view of what happened.
A secondary source gives information about a person or event from
history but was likely written well after the events occurred. The author of
a secondary source may study the events but _________________
_________________ witness them firsthand.
Historical context is essentially the details that _________________
an occurrence.
To gain historical context, a reader should ask him or herself the following
1. _________________ was it published?
2. _________________ was it published?
3. For _________________ was it written?
4. _________________ was it written?
A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses (also
known as complete sentences) are connected _________________.
Name ________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________
Correcting Run-on Sentences
What is a run-on sentence?
Identify the complete sentences in the run-ons below.
1 Marcos is a musician, his favorite instrument is the trumpet.
2 The cart can tip over it should not be overloaded.
3 Swans live in the lake it is their favorite place to swim.
How to fix a run-on sentence: Make two separate sentences
Fix the following run-on sentences by making two separate sentences.
1. My sister takes dance lessons, she has taught me the two-step and the waltz.
2. Mr. Ortiz is our science teacher he organizes the Earth Day festival every year.
3. The July Fourth celebration was fun everyone especially enjoyed the fireworks display.
How to fix a run-on sentence: Make one sentence
Fix each of the following run-on sentences by turning it into one correct sentence.
1. My brother drove us to band practice, my mom drove us home.
2. The dog looked like a stray to me I took him home and called the animal shelter.
3. Many deserts have no plants some desert areas support a variety of plant life.
AIR ELAII: Unit 15
Scientific & Technical Texts
A scientific text is an article, textbook, or experiment related to any
aspect of _________________.
o It may be about a broad field of study, such as biology or
astronomy, or a more specific concept, such as volume or mass.
A technical text provides _________________ _________________
information on a specific topic.
o It may explain how something works or how to do something. User
manuals, how-to guides, instructions, and cookbooks are technical
A cause-effect relationship is a relationship in which one event (the
cause) _________________ another event happen (the effect).
o One cause can have several effects.
A graphic feature is an image that helps you _________________
Graphic features are generally _________________ as figures in the
A caption is a sentence or group of words that is written on, below, or
next to a graphic feature to _________________ what is being shown.
An author’s purpose for writing a scientific or technical text is to
Although scientific and technical texts are usually objective, they may
contain examples of scientific claims: _________________ and
reasoned _________________.
o Speculation is a _________________ about something that is
unknown. It may be based on fact or logic, but it has not yet been
o Reasoned judgement is a logical _________________ based on
facts and accepted standards.
A run-on sentence is an error in which two or more independent clauses
are joined together _________________ the necessary punctuation.
A comma splice is an error in which two independent clauses are
“spliced” together with a _________________ but without the necessary
coordinating _________________.
A sentence fragment is an _________________ sentence that does not
contain a full independent clause, either because the writer leaves
something out or because a sentence is incorrectly split up by a period.
NAME: _______________________________________
A run-on sentence is an error because it has two or more independent
clauses with no punctuation between them.
A comma splice is an error because it has two independent clauses
“spliced” together with only a comma and no conjunction.
Identify each example as a RUN-ON, a COMMA SPLICE, or a CORRECT sentence:
1. ___________ Because of my F on that test, my grade has dropped to a D, Mom and Dad
are upset.
2. ___________ Because of my F on that test, my grade has dropped to a D; Mom and Dad
are upset.
3. ___________ I have read that book six times now and it just keeps getting better every
4. ___________ I have read that book six times now, it just keeps getting better every time.
5. ___________ “Angry Birds” is the stupidest game ever invented I spend a ton of time
playing it.
6. ___________ “Angry Birds” is the stupidest game ever invented, but I spend a ton of time
playing it.
There are three ways to fix a run-on or a comma splice:
x Put a period after the first independent clause and capitalize the next word.
x Put a semi-colon between two independent clauses.
x Put a comma and a conjunction (and, but, or, so) between two independent clauses.
Which answer fixes the incorrect sentence?
7. Dr. Seuss was a very famous author he wrote many best-selling stories for children.
a. Add the word “and” between “author” and “he”
b. Add a comma between “author” and “he”
c. Add a semi-colon between “author” and “he”
8. My little brother’s favorite movie is Kung Fu Panda, I watch it with him all the time.
a. Delete the comma after “Panda
b. Add the word “so” after the comma
c. Add a comma after “him”
9. Pocketknives can be very dangerous, Dad told me to be careful with mine he doesn’t
want me to cut myself.
a. Change the comma to a period and add a semi-colon after “mine”
b. Add the word “and” after the comma
c. Delete the comma after “dangerous”
A sentence fragment is an error because it is not a complete independent
clause—it’s missing a subject or predicate (or both).
Identify each example as a FRAGMENT or a CORRECT sentence:
10. ___________ Even after midnight. The restaurant on the corner is still open.
11. ___________ Even after midnight, the restaurant on the corner is still open.
12. ___________ Twelve angry monkeys and three friendly apes.
13. ___________ Twelve angry monkeys devoured three friendly apes.
There are two ways to fix a sentence fragment:
x Add a subject or predicate (or both) to make it a full independent clause.
x Change the punctuation to connect the fragment to full independent clause.
Which answer fixes the incorrect sentence?
14. After serving a sentence of twenty years. The man was finally released from prison.
a. Add a comma after “After” and delete the word “finally”
b. Change the period after “years” to a semi-colon and delete “The man”
c. Change the period after “years” to a comma and make the “The” lowercase
15. Lost in the wilderness with only a hatchet.
a. Change “Lost” to “Losing” and then add a comma after “wilderness”
b. Change the period to a comma and add an independent clause like “Brian
c. Add a semi-colon between “wilderness” and “with”
AIR ELAII: Unit 16
Informative/Expository Essays
An informative text provides _________________ about a topic.
o Facts, details, examples, or _________________ support the text’s
central idea.
o Informative texts are _________________ and are based on
research from outside sources.
When you write an informative/expository essay, you
_________________ an informative text.
Your goal is to become an expert on a new (or not so new) topic and
_________________ your knowledge in a way that allows the reader to
become an expert, too.
An informative text is written with a completely neutral tone, or one
that is _________________ of _________________.
o Meaning, you are not trying to convince your audience of anything.
o You are simply presenting _________________ on a topic.
The Informative/Expository Essay you will write on the AIR
Assessment will be written with in a _________________ style and will
be based on at least two texts that you are required to read.
Regardless of the topic, every informative text should begin with a
compelling _________________ that provides a _________________ for
the text, _________________ _________________ based around a
_________________ that contain _________________ and/or
paraphrases supporting the thesis, and a _________________.
A verbal is a word that _________________ from a verb but doesn’t
_________________ like a verb in the sentence.
o A gerund is a word that ends in –ing and functions as a
o An infinitive is a verbal consisting of the word “to” and a verb that
functions as a _________________, _________________, or
Infinitives and gerunds are often part of _________________ within a
A gerund phrase consists of a verbal that ends in _________________
and everything that goes along with it (like modifiers or direct objects).
An infinitive phrase consists of an _________________ (the word “to”
and a verb) and everything that goes along with it.
AIR ELAII: Unit 17
Informative Essay: Note-Taking & Thesis Development
The first step of any writing process is note-taking.
Note-taking is the practice of _________________ information from
another source.
o By taking notes, the writer can record the _________________ of
the information, freeing his or her mind from having to recall
It is important to take EFFICIENT notes for an essay on the AIR
Assessment, because we don’t have all the time in the world!
o When taking notes for your essay, be sure to take notes based only
on the _________________.
You will need to write down as many notes as you can for each of the
PASSAGES based on the prompt. These notes can be in the form of a
quotation or paraphrase.
o quotation: A quotation supports your thesis using the
_________________ _________________ from the original text.
o paraphrase: Paraphrasing is putting someone else’s words into your
_________________ _________________. It is useful when you
need less detail than a direct quote. A paraphrase focuses briefly on
a single main idea.
Once you have read the texts and taken notes based on the prompt, you
have enough knowledge to develop a thesis which will also serve as your
_________________ _________________ for your essay.
Your thesis will become the _________________ idea of your entire
Name: ________________________
Practice with Commas
Directions: Put commas where they belong. A few of these sentences do not need commas.
1. We are having peas and carrots roast beef and cake for dinner.
2. Mr. Morton my English teacher says we have to learn how to use commas.
3. He says “Remember Bob use commas before and after you address someone directly.”
4. Kelly said “Did you do the homework Angie?”
5. The teachers at Ericson Academy work hard to teach the students.
6. Alex painted the fence white blue and green.
7. We waited at the bus stop on Central Park Avenue after school.
8. My mom who is a nurse cares for the sick injured and disabled
9. One famous basketball player Michael Jordan won five MVP awards.
10. “Don’t go there” said Formica.
11. Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish writer of novels poems and essays.
12. Now Mr. Bond we will saw you in half.
13. Tequita said “Stop talking to me Renisha.”
14. Chicago the largest city in the Midwest is the home of the skyscraper blues and deep-dish pizza.
15. No Jackie I don’t want to go with Mark.
16. Alice said “But they keep picking on me Rudy.”
17. Emilio my next-door neighbor has two daughters a son and a puppy.
18. That Tuesday which also happens to be my birthday is the only day we can take the test.
19. Fred who often cheats on his homework is really only harming himself.
20. Brett Favre the quarter back for the team is having a bad week.
Part Two: On the back of this sheet write three sentences for each of the following tasks:
1. Use commas to set of an interruption in the flow of the sentence.
2. Use commas before and/or after directly addressing someone.
3. Use commas to separate three or more items in a series.
4. Use commas before or after a quotation.
AIR ELAII: Unit 18
Informative/Expository Essay- Introduction
o An introduction is the ________________________ of an
essay or speech, which typically identifies the topic, arouses
interest, and prepares the audience for the development of the
thesis. It can also be called an ________________________, a
lead, or an introductory paragraph.
The introduction will contain the following three things:
o Hook
o Background information
o ________________________
o A hook is a statement meant to grab the reader’s
Background Information
o The background information is a
________________________ is a summary of the issue. It
describes the argument and explains why it is important. This is
where you highlight the necessary information that someone
who isn’t familiar with the issue would need to know in order for
your paper to make sense. Keep it brief.
o A thesis is a ________________________ or theory that is put
forward as a premise to be maintained or proved. Your thesis
will become the controlling idea of your entire essay.
You can think of your introduction like an upside down
________________________. It starts out very
________________________ and becomes more and more specific.
Incorrect Tense Shift- It is incorrect to ________________________
verb tenses in a passage without a reason.
Subject-Verb Agreement- A verb must match its subject in number—if
the subject is ________________________, a
________________________ verb should be used; and if the subject is
________________________, a ________________________ verb
must be used.
Name ________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________
Using Subject-Verb Agreement
What is subject-verb agreement?
Identify the subject of each sentence and tell whether it is singular or plural. Then, choose
the form of the verb that agrees with the subject.
1. Firefighters (risks, risk) their lives for others.
2. The principal (makes, make) announcements each day.
3. The blue socks (is, are) in the top drawer.
How to fix problems in agreement: Phrases between subjects and verbs
Identify the subject of each verb in parentheses. Then, choose the form of the verb that
agrees with that subject.
1. The moon over the ocean (is, are) a beautiful sight.
2. The hands on my watch (glows, glow) in the dark.
3. Four students from our school (plays, play) in a band.
How to fix problems in agreement: Indefinite pronouns
Identify the subject of each verb in parentheses. Then, choose the form of the verb that
agrees with that subject.
1. Many in the crowd (waves, wave) signs.
2. Neither of the radios (works, work) properly.
3. Some of the recipes (calls, call) for fresh herbs.
Name ________________________________ Class ____________________ Date ______________________
Using Subject-Verb Agreement
How to fix problems in agreement: Compound subjects
For each of the following sentences, identify each part of the compound subject. Then,
choose the correct verb form in parentheses.
1. A desert or a jungle (is, are) the setting for the play.
2. Both my brother and my sister (delivers, deliver) the morning newspaper.
3. The boss or the workers (has, have) made a mistake.
How to fix problems in agreement: Subjects after verbs
Identify the subject of each verb in parentheses. Then, choose the form of the verb that
agrees with that subject. Be prepared to explain your answers.
1. There (was, were) several baby rabbits behind the bush.
2. (Has, Have) your neighbor moved out yet?
3. Where (is, are) the maps for our report?
How to fix agreement problems: Don’t and doesn’t
Identify the subject in each sentence. Then, choose the contraction in parentheses that
agrees with the subject.
1. My parents (don’t, doesn’t) listen to rap music.
2. This bedroom (don’t, doesn’t) look very neat.
3. (Don’t, Doesn’t) he want a ride home?