Deborah Taylor King, President ▪ Charolett Biggs Martin, First Vice-President ▪ Ka’Dijah Brown, Second Vice-President ▪ Sanjena Clay, Third-Vice President
Tanya Harper, Recording Secretary ▪ Therese’ Ann Baker, Assistant Recording Secretary ▪ Sherry Peyton, Corresponding Secretary
Chandelle R. Ivy, Treasurer ▪ Wanda Ringgold, YPD Director ▪ Jacqueline Mitchell Robinson, Editor ▪ Linda Mtshwelo, Assistant Editor ▪ Wanda Sims, Parliamentarian
Margaret Maske, PME Director ▪ Dr. Monica Dillihunt, Historiographer ▪ Florine Herron, Worship Director ▪ Sylvia C. Blake, Member-at-Large
Dear Member of Congress,
The Women’s Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, (WMS), is an international
faith-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the United Nations Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC), the intergovernmental body responsible for granting consultative status to the WMS NGO. Our
WMS membership is composed of members in the United States and across four continents in 32 countries.
This letter serves to bring attention to a largely unnoticed, but fast-growing global issue, namely human
Human trafficking is the criminal act of recruiting, harboring and transporting people through the use of
deception, coercion, and violence. According to the United Nations on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Agency,
“Millions of women, children and men worldwide are out of work, out of school and without social support
in the continuing COVID-19 crisis, leaving them at greater risk of human trafficking”. This means that the
problem is getting worse and needs to be addressed.
We are appalled by the phenomenon of human trafficking in the United States and around the world.
Thousands of women and children have been kidnapped to “work” as sex slaves, beaten, raped, starved and
caged. The United States’ Congress cannot and must not allow slavery to exist anywhere within its borders.
The government must make this issue a national priority and more resources need to be dedicated to cracking
down on perpetrators and dismantling these criminal enterprises.
We therefore call upon this session of Congress to step up its efforts to fight this atrocity by supporting
H.R.508 - Trafficking Victims Housing Act of 2019, H.R.509 - Human Trafficking Accountability Act,
and H.R.3938 - Support UNFPA Funding Act. Please use every opportunity to raise awareness of this
issue and make it a top priority of the national agenda.
WMS-NGO Membership:__________________________
Email Address:___________________________________
Connectional Women’s Missionary Society
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Bishop Michael L. Mitchell, Chair Rev. Dr. John F. Green, Executive Director
Global Witness & Ministry Global Witness & Ministry
1134 11
Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Deborah Taylor King
Connectional WMS President
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