Chapter 4: The Geography and History of Europe 43
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Chapter 4: The Geography and History of Europe
Quick Review
Directions: For each question, write the letter of the BEST response on the line beside each question.
_______ 1. Which language(s) come(s) from the language of the ancient Roman Empire?
a. Latin
b. Russian and Polish
c. French, Italian, and Spanish
d. English, German, and Dutch
_______ 2. How are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism alike?
a. They each worship several gods.
b. They each worship only one god.
c. Each of the three religions is getting smaller.
d. They each use a sacred text known as the five books of Moses.
_______ 3. Which pairing of sacred text and religion is correct?
a. Protestant – Bible
b. Christianity - Talmud
c. Shiite Muslim - Torah
d. Orthodox Judaism – Quran
_______ 4. What part of the Treaty of Versailles was most damaging to the German economy after
World War I?
a. Germany lost its colonies.
b. The German emperor was to be put on trial.
c. Germany had to pay the Allies large sums of money.
d. Germans were not allowed to have a large army and navy.
_______ 5. What helped early Italian merchants become successful traders?
a. The location of the Alps mountains defends Italy against other countries.
b. The islands of Sicily and Sardinia are not far from the coast of western Italy.
c. Warm air from the Sahara Desert creates a warm, dry summer for most of Italy.
d. Italy’s location on the Mediterranean Sea provides access to Africa, Asia, and Europe.
_______ 6. What is the name of the body of water that separates Britain from France?
a. North Sea
b Danube River
c. English Channel
d. Mediterranean Sea
_______ 7. What is one reason Hitler was able to rise to power in Germany in 1933?
a. financial support from Poland, France, and Belgium
b. German anger over poverty created by the Treaty of Versailles
c. failed African colonization attempts that led to political turmoil
d. the immigration of millions of Jewish people to cities in Germany
Continued on next page.