arterly Waiting List Reporting
e 1 12.28.2018
Development Name: Quarter Ending:
Instructions: Complete the appropriate table below by entering the number of applicants on the waiting list for each bedroom
size; if the bedroom size listed is not available at the development, simply enter “N/A.”
Refer to IRS Form(s) 8609 for the current allocation of tax credits to determine which table applies to the
development. You may also contact your RIHousing Compliance Specialist to confirm the Minimum Set-Aside.
Submit this completed report in PDF form to your Compliance Specialist by the 10
of the month following
the end of a quarter. Your e-mail will serve as an electronic signature; please do not scan this form.
1.) Indicate the Minimum Set-Aside for the development by checking the appropriate box
2.) Enter the number of applicants on the waiting list for each bedroom size
Enter the number of applicants on the waiting list for each bedroom size and corresponding AMI%
This site does not maintain a waiting list. Applicants are chosen from (select as appropriate):
Centralized Waiting List for HCVP
Coordinated Entry/Universal Waiting List
Independent PHA Waiting List(s)
If waiting list information pertains to multiple developments, list them below