CHDO Operating Application pg. 1
CHDO Operating Funds Request
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Applicant Organization CHDO Set-Aside Project
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Organization Mailing Address City
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Contact Name Title
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Contact Email Phone
• Operating Funds are provided to eligible CHDO organizations, as certified by Rhode
Island Housing, who are funded under the HOME CHDO set-aside for a project under
development or that is reasonably expected to be funded within 24 months from the
HOME CHDO set-aside for a specific project.
• Funds are granted for eligible operating costs incurred during the period beginning with
the date of execution of the Agreement until a date twelve (12) months from the date of
execution of the Agreement.
• The Recipient would agree to use the HOME proceeds solely for those operating
expenses, fees and costs, (i.e.: salaries, utilities, miscellaneous office expenses, etc.)
approved by Rhode Island Housing in accordance with 24 CFR 92.208 and 2 CFR Part
200, as outlined below in Section 4.
• Proposed HOME Operating Funds Budget. Funds may not exceed the greater of $50,000 or
50% of the CHDO’s total operating expenses in the year awarded.