RIH MORs - TSP Required Topics
□ Project eligibility requirements:
□ Project-specific requirements (see Chapter 3, Section 2)
□ Citizenship requirements (see Chapter 3, Section 1)
□ Social security number requirements (see Chapter 3, Section 1) - including those older than
62 or with eligible immigration status
□ Income limits (including economic mix requirements for Section 8 properties) (see Chapter 3, Sec 1)
□ Procedures for accepting applications and selecting from the waiting list
□ Procedures for accepting applications and pre-applications (see Chapter 4, Section 3)
□ Procedures for applying preferences (including income-targeting in Section 8 properties)
(see Chapter 4, Sections 1 and 4) covering 'skipping' to meet income targeting requirements
do these match the waitlist
□ Applicant screening criteria (see Chapter 4, Sections 1 and 4)
□ Required drug-related or criminal activity criteria - cannot have a 1 strike policy
□ State lifetime sex offender registration check in all states where applicant household
members have resided or using a database that checks against all state registries
□ Procedures for using the EIV Existing Tenant Search
□ Other allowable screening criteria
□ Procedures for rejecting ineligible applicants (see Chapter 4, Section 1)
Must include notice of rights and copy of VAWA
Must include response timeframes
□ Occupancy standards (see Chapter 3, Section 2)
□ Unit transfer policies, including selection of in-place residents versus applicants from the waiting list
when vacancies occur (see Chapter 7, Section 3)
□ Policies to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Fair Housing Act and
other relevant civil rights laws and statutes (see Chapter 2, Section 3)
□ Policy for opening and closing the waiting list for the property (see Chapter 4, Section 3)
□ Eligibility of students (see Chapter 3, Sections 1 and 3) including the revised definition of tuition and
an independent student
□ Owners/management agencies/properties employing 15 or more must identify a Section 504
□ Policies for applying Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) protections (Section 8 only)
□ Emergency transfer plan
□ Preference details for internal transfers, external transfers, and external waitlist
□ Confidentiality information, rentention of information, and the VAWA lease addendum
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