RIH MORs - TSP Required Topics
Project eligibility requirements:
Project-specific requirements (see Chapter 3, Section 2)
Citizenship requirements (see Chapter 3, Section 1)
Social security number requirements (see Chapter 3, Section 1) - including those older than
62 or with eligible immigration status
Income limits (including economic mix requirements for Section 8 properties) (see Chapter 3, Sec 1)
Procedures for accepting applications and selecting from the waiting list
Procedures for accepting applications and pre-applications (see Chapter 4, Section 3)
Procedures for applying preferences (including income-targeting in Section 8 properties)
(see Chapter 4, Sections 1 and 4) covering 'skipping' to meet income targeting requirements
do these match the waitlist
Applicant screening criteria (see Chapter 4, Sections 1 and 4)
Required drug-related or criminal activity criteria - cannot have a 1 strike policy
State lifetime sex offender registration check in all states where applicant household
members have resided or using a database that checks against all state registries
Procedures for using the EIV Existing Tenant Search
Other allowable screening criteria
Procedures for rejecting ineligible applicants (see Chapter 4, Section 1)
Must include notice of rights and copy of VAWA
Must include response timeframes
Occupancy standards (see Chapter 3, Section 2)
Unit transfer policies, including selection of in-place residents versus applicants from the waiting list
when vacancies occur (see Chapter 7, Section 3)
Policies to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Fair Housing Act and
other relevant civil rights laws and statutes (see Chapter 2, Section 3)
Policy for opening and closing the waiting list for the property (see Chapter 4, Section 3)
Eligibility of students (see Chapter 3, Sections 1 and 3) including the revised definition of tuition and
an independent student
Owners/management agencies/properties employing 15 or more must identify a Section 504
Policies for applying Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) protections (Section 8 only)
Emergency transfer plan
Preference details for internal transfers, external transfers, and external waitlist
Confidentiality information, rentention of information, and the VAWA lease addendum
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Recommended Topics
Applicant notification and opportunity to supplement information already provided (see
Chapter 4, Sections 1 and 4).
Procedures for identifying applicant needs for the features of accessible units or reasonable
Accommodations (see Chapter 2, Section 3).
Updating the waiting list (see Chapter 4, Section 3).
Policy for notifying applicants and potential applicants of changes in the tenant selection plan
(see Chapter 4, Section 1).
Procedures for assigning units with originally constructed design features for persons with
Disabilities (see Chapter 2, Section 3)
Charges for facilities and services (see Chapter 6, Section 3)
Security deposit requirements (see Chapter 6, Section 2)
Unit inspections (see Chapter 6, Section 4)
Annual recertification requirements (see Chapter 7, Section 1)
Interim recertification reporting policies (see Chapter 7, Section 2)
Implementation of house rule changes (see Chapter 6, Section 1)