Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation
Public Records Request Form under the Access to Public Records Act
Date: ________________
Name (optional; in the alternative, please provide another identifier for indexing purposes):
Address (optional): ______________________________________________________________
Telephone (optional): __________________ Email (optional): ____________________________
Requested Records: ______________________________________________________________
Office Use Only
Name of Public Records Officer: ______________________________
Date Received: ________________ Time: ________________
Costs: Copies ($.15/page): ______ Search/Retrieval ($15.00/hour, no charge for first hour): ______
Date of Response: ________________
To request a public record, please email this form to recordsrequests@rihousing.com or mail this
form to RIHousing addressed as follows: RIHousing, 44 Washington Street, Providence, Rhode
Island 02903, ATTN: Records Requests. Requests that do not conform to these delivery methods
may result in this form not being processed. RIHousing does not require you to provide personally
identifiable information about yourself on this form.
RIHousing will exert reasonable efforts to respond to your request within ten (10) business days of
receipt of your request and, if necessary, will provide a written explanation of the need for any
additional time to comply.
If your request is granted, RIHousing will provide copies of the public record electronically, by
facsimile, by mail, or by in person pick up in accordance with your choice, unless it would be
unreasonably burdensome or costly to do so. In the alternative, you will be notified in writing when
the public record is available and will be provided with an appointment to examine the public
record. You will be responsible for the cost of delivery, if any.
If, after review of your request, RIHousing determines that the requested records are exempt from
disclosure for a reason set forth in the Access to Public Records Act, RIHousing reserves its right to
claim such exemption and to deny your request.