(Reference PIM 40-Professional Travel Reimbursement Rates)
Staff members who are designated to attend meetings, conferences or other events as representatives of Arlington
Public Schools are eligible to receive reimbursement for professional travel when such funds are available.
Instructions for completing the Professional Travel Approval and Reimbursement Request form
Travel Reimbursement
At least two weeks prior to travel, the traveler is to complete a Professional Travel Approval and Reimbursement
Request form. The completed form is to be submitted to the traveler’s supervisor for signature indicating approval of
the travel. A copy is to be forwarded to the Finance Department. The original is to be kept by the traveler for use
after travel.
Travel Advance
If a travel advance is necessary, the Travel Advance Request must be submitted to the Finance Department at least
two weeks prior to travel. The travel advance may be requested for only lodging, meals and miscellaneous expenses
(i.e. parking, taxi, etc.) and cannot exceed the estimated costs. Once the Approval Signatures Prior to Travel section
of the form is completed, a copy is to be forwarded to the Finance Department. The original is to be kept by the
traveler for use after travel. Approximately two weeks after the Finance Department receives the approved travel
advance form, the traveler will need to contact the Finance Department to arrange a time to pick up the reimbursement
After Travel Procedures
Once travel is complete, the Complete Section After Travel section of the original form is to be completed within 15
days after the date of return. In this section, the travel advance is subtracted from the total reimbursable expenses. If
the traveler received an advance and that advance exceeds the total reimbursable amount, a check payable to Arlington
Public Schools is to be submitted for the difference along with the form. If the travel advance is less than the total
reimbursable amount, the difference will be reimbursed the traveler. If the travel advance is equal to the total
reimbursable amount, a completed form with a zero balance is to be submitted to the Finance Department. Once the
Approval Signatures After Travel is Complete section of the form is completed, the original form with the
supervisor’s original signature is forwarded to the Finance Department for reimbursement along with receipts for all
expenses requested for reimbursement, including receipts for parking, public transportation, etc. A copy is to be kept
for the traveler’s/supervisor’s records.
Reimbursement Rates
Rates of reimbursement for travel, lodging, meals and registration shall be issued annually through the Policy
Implementation Manual.
1. Personal Information
Please provide complete name, phone number, school or department, date and a brief description of the purpose of
the trip.
2. Itinerary
Please provide departure and arrival information for scheduled travel.
3. Expenses
• Please provide estimates of the expenses likely to be incurred by the traveler during the scheduled travel
• Please provide expenses already paid by Arlington Public Schools on either a Purchase Order (PO) or a
requisition to the vendor.
• Traveler must sign the reimbursement request.
• Please ensure all original receipts for lodging, conference registration, parking, public transportation, etc. are
attached to the reimbursement request after travel.
4. Approvals
Please provide the signature of the appropriate supervisor. In this section, please have the supervisor indicate the
approved amount for reimbursement or travel advance, and the account to which the expenses are to be charged.