Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader 1
Performance Assessment Task
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors
Life After High School [U4C2L1]
This performance assessment task gives you an opportunity to document your achievement
of the lesson’s competency:
Determine how to successfully manage yourself after high school
For this performance assessment task, you will evaluate and revise SMART Goals pertaining to
your life after high school, whether they involve attending college, living on your own, working
part- or full-time, or joining the military. Then, determine where you could encounter challenges
and risk to steer you off course toward meeting your goal. Finally, establish a plan that will
allow you to tackle those potential challenging areas and stay on course toward meeting your
goals. For this assessment you will:
1. Consider the strength of core abilities you’ve developed as a result of the JROTC program.
Earlier in this lesson, you completed the Exercise #1 - Core Abilities Self-Assessment.
Areas that you are strong in and have developed more thoroughly will be helpful to you as
you begin the next phase of your career plan. Similarly, those abilities that you may feel are
not so strong, could contribute to the roadblocks or challenges you encounter and
ultimately steer you off track from your goals. Highlight those areas of concern to you. Use
the Core Abilities Self-Assessment Summary (and rubric if you have not already done this
activity) to explain why you gave yourself the score you did for each of the six JROTC Core
2. Develop two SMART Goals pertaining to your life after you graduate from high school. Use
the attached SMART Goals Worksheet.
3. Acknowledge some potential situations pertaining to your future life after high school that
could be a challenge for you and impact movement toward your goals. Challenges might
include: academic success, time management, loneliness, and many other areas. Develop
two scenarios that you could see yourself encountering in the future whether at college in
an on-campus or off-campus setting, as a student or an employee. Explain these potential
situations in the attached My Challenges Worksheet attached below.
4. Next, think about how you could avoid the roadblock or challenge you outlined. If you
already have a college or post-secondary plan confirmed, explore on their website (if one is
available) the types of support resources available to you and explain how they could be
beneficial to you. Use the attached Support Resources Worksheet to outline your potential
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
2 Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader
5. Finally, go back to your Core Abilities Self-Assessment and re-evaluate your strengths and
weaknesses identified on the scoring rubric. Reflect on the relationship of any potential
challenges and weaker core abilities. Write a 1-2 paragraph reflection on this assessment
and your readiness to live as a successful young adult.
6. Use the attached scoring guide criteria for what you need to do to complete this task.
7. Submit your completed performance assessment task and scoring guide to your instructor
for evaluation and a grade.
RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that you add this performance assessment task to
your Cadet Portfolio.
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader 3
Core Abilities Self-Assessment Summary
Directions: Use this worksheet to summarize your strengths and weaknesses in the area of core
abilities. Remember, the JROTC Program Core Abilities are life skills. The lesson activities and
assessment tasks provided you many opportunities to develop and use these lifelong abilities that
you will use well beyond high school. If you have not already completed this self-assessment,
please do so now. Add your explanations that provide evidence of your strengths and
weaknesses in the area of core abilities. Provide how you might improve upon the weak areas.
JROTC Program Core Abilities or Life Skills
1. Apply critical thinking techniques
2. Build your capacity for life-long learning
3. Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
4. Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
5. Take responsibility for your actions and choices
6. Treat self and others with respect
Rating Scale
Value Description
Needs Improvement
Use the scoring values above to self-assess your level in these six core abilities.
Scoring Guide
Core Ability and Performance Criteria Ratings
Build your capacity for life-long learning
you assume personal responsibility for learning 3 2 1 0
you assess personal learning styles and preferences and apply this
knowledge to the learning process
3 2 1 0
you initiate formal and informal learning processes to acquire new
abilities and insights
3 2 1 0
you risk making responsible mistakes as part of the learning process 3 2 1 0
you recognize and examine the underlying assumptions of your own
3 2 1 0
you access available resources for personal and professional growth 3 2 1 0
Explain why you gave yourself the score you did? Include examples.
If you did not score well, how can you improve this core ability in your life?
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
4 Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader
Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
you select appropriate means to convey a message 3 2 1 0
you communicate accurately and clearly 3 2 1 0
you communicate appropriately and professionally 3 2 1 0
you apply appropriate reading strategies 3 2 1 0
you check for accuracy 3 2 1 0
you speak and write clearly so others can understand 3 2 1 0
you ask questions for clarification 3 2 1 0
you interpret nonverbal communications 3 2 1 0
you use active listening skills 3 2 1 0
you apply standards of spelling, English grammar, and punctuation 3 2 1 0
Explain why you gave yourself the score you did? Include examples.
If you did not score well, how can you improve this core ability in your life?
Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
you recognize your responsibility to personal, social, professional,
and educational environments and make informed decisions based
on that responsibility
3 2 1 0
you recognize your role as a consumer and citizen in a democracy 3 2 1 0
you demonstrate respect for the rights, views, and work of others 3 2 1 0
you adapt to and work effectively with a variety of situations,
individuals or groups
3 2 1 0
you work to resolve conflicts 3 2 1 0
Explain why you gave yourself the score you did? Include examples.
If you did not score well, how can you improve this core ability in your life?
Take responsibility for your actions and choices
you apply professional/ethical values to guide actions and decisions 3 2 1 0
you follow established policies and procedures 3 2 1 0
you complete assignments on time 3 2 1 0
you exhibit academic honesty 3 2 1 0
you assess the impact of your values on actions and decisions 3 2 1 0
you demonstrate dependability 3 2 1 0
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader 5
you exert a high level of effort and perseverance toward goal
3 2 1 0
Explain why you gave yourself the score you did? Include examples.
If you did not score well, how can you improve this core ability in your life?
Treat self and others with respect
you act with a sense of equity 3 2 1 0
you work well with individuals and groups from diverse backgrounds 3 2 1 0
you display an appreciation of diverse perspectives 3 2 1 0
you value individual and cultural differences 3 2 1 0
you recognize your own prejudices and stereotypes 3 2 1 0
you communicate in a culturally sensitive manner that is free from
bias and stereotypes
3 2 1 0
Explain why you gave yourself the score you did? Include examples.
If you did not score well, how can you improve this core ability in your life?
Apply critical thinking techniques
you use problem solving skills in academic and/or workplace
3 2 1 0
you differentiate between fact and opinion 3 2 1 0
you make decisions considering alternatives and consequences 3 2 1 0
you support viewpoints/arguments with reason and evidence 3 2 1 0
you assess feedback from others 3 2 1 0
you refine action plans based on evaluation of feedback 3 2 1 0
you view issues from multiple perspectives (local and global) 3 2 1 0
you evaluate sources of information you present logical arguments 3 2 1 0
Explain why you gave yourself the score you did? Include examples.
If you did not score well, how can you improve this core ability in your life?
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
6 Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader
SMART Goals Worksheet
Directions: Develop a plan for achieving two goals after high school.
Specific Identify a specific goal and write it down
Measurable List the steps you will take to reach your goal
Attainable Goals are realistic
Results Set up checkpoints to evaluate your progress
Time Frame Determine a time frame to achieve your goal
Goal 1:
Time Frame:
Goal 2:
Time Frame:
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader 7
My Challenges Worksheet
Directions: Consider the kinds of obstacles that could be stumbling blocks toward achieving your
two goals? Topics to consider might include areas pertaining:
Career or vocation support
Time management
Social challenges
Financial management
Healthy lifestyle
1. Obstacles that I need to be aware of that could impact meeting Goal #1:
2. Obstacles that I need to be aware of that could impact meeting Goal #2:
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
8 Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader
Support Resources
Directions: As you encounter roadblocks, whether a difficult course that requires some tutoring
or after school help, interpersonal relationship conflicts, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle,
accessing the correct support resources is important. If you’ll be attending college or entering the
workforce, it is important to know what areas typically challenge you and be aware of resources
that can help you make better choices or improve some weak skill sets or even core life skills (or
core abilities).
Do a little research to find out what resources are near where you’ll be living (on or off campus)
and add them here. Explain why the source will be helpful to you, especially toward staying on
course to meet your goals.
Refer to the student text for example resources. Additionally, college websites will include a lot of
various student services and support resources available on and off campus.
Support Resource:
Why this would be helpful:
Support Resource:
Why this would be helpful:
Support Resource:
Why this would be helpful:
Chapter 2: Personal Growth and Behaviors Lesson 1: Life After High School
Unit 4: LET 4 The Managing Leader 9
Life After High School Performance Assessment Task
Scoring Guide
1. You self-assess your strengths and weaknesses of the JROTC
Core Abilities
met not met
2. You identify two after high school graduation goals
met not met
3. Your goals are SMART Goals
met not met
4. You determine what kinds of challenges you could face as a
young adult that might be an obstacle toward achieving your
stated goals
met not met
5. You research types of support resources that will be available
to you to help you maintain balance and achieve your goals
met not met
6. You reflect upon the importance of strong life skills
met not met
Name:__________________________________ Date:___________
Evaluator’s Signature:______________________ Date:___________
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